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Oregon Psilocybin Services - Local Government Information

Land Use Compatibility Statements (LUCS)

ORS 475A requires applicants for manufacturer and service center licenses to request a land use compatibility statement (LUCS) from the city or county where the proposed business is located. The LUCS must be completed as a condition of licensure, and it must show that the location's local zoning is consistent with the proposed use. 

The LUCS is a form developed by Oregon Psilocybin Services (OPS) to be used in partnership with local governments in Oregon to ensure a manufacturer and/or service center land use proposal is consistent with local government land use regulations. Your local jurisdiction will need to review and approve the LUCS. Once you make the request, your local jurisdiction is required to respond within 21 days. 

     Land Use Compatibility Statement (LUCS) Form 

Opt-Out Ordinances 

Local governments may adopt ordinances that prohibit service centers and manufacturers from operating within their local jurisdictions. Ordinances must be approved by voters at the next statewide general election. When a local government adopts an ordinance, they are required to provide a copy of the adopted ordinance to Oregon Psilocybin Services under ORS 475A.538. Ordinances can be sent to the OPS general email address:

When Oregon Psilocybin Services Section receives notice of local ordinance, we will cease issuing licenses within that jurisdiction. If the ordinance is not approved by voters in the next statewide general election, OHA will license psilocybin businesses that meet the criteria established in statute and rule on the first business day of the January immediately following the date of the next statewide general election.

Ordinances that have been adopted by local governments may be found on the Oregon Secretary of State Local Measures Search website. Use the following search terms to locate local measures related to psilocybin: "2022" for Year, "2022 General Election" for Election, and "Psilocybin" for Ballot Title Caption. The Oregon Secretary of State may not have the most updated information. We encourage you to contact your local city or county for the most updated information on ordinances.

Below is a local ordinance spreadsheet compiled by OPS. The data regarding local psilocybin ordinances is based on local government reporting per ORS 475A.718 (3) and information gathered from the Oregon Secretary of State. This spreadsheet is updated regularly but may not be comprehensive. Please reach out to local governments directly to confirm ordinance information.

    Local Ordinance Spreadsheet

Time Place and Manner Regulations

Local governments may adopt reasonable regulations on the operation of licensed businesses within their jurisdiction, including hours of operation and location under ORS 475A.530. OPS will not track or regulate local time, place, and manner regulations (TPMs). 

Local Government Webpages and Contacts

The Oregon Blue Book Local Government webpage links to each of Oregon's local government webpages where you can find contact information and other useful information.