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Oregon Health Authority

Get Oregon Kids Moving

Get Kids Moving: A walking, biking, and rolling to school planning guide

Get Kids Moving will jump-start your efforts – whether you live in Oregon or anywhere else in the country - by sharing facts about walking, biking and rolling to school, describing roles you can play, and outlining programs and resources available to you now.

Download the guide (pdf)
Cover: Get Oregon Kids Moving

Who is this guide for?

This guide for community members, educators, and public health advocates:

  • highlights the health benefits of Safe Routes to School initiatives for schools and school communities,
  • provides examples of how active school travel fits with current school priorities, and
  • outlines the roles that school administrators, health practitioners, and interested family and community members can take.

Want a personalized presentation or hard copy of this guide?

In addition to the PDF download, we have hard copies on hand of this guide. If you have an audience or group interested in a personalized presentation of this guide, or an opportunity to distribute copies at a conference, we're here for you!

Additional Safe Routes to School resources:

Get Oregon Kids Moving, was created by the Oregon Health Authority, Oregon Department of Education, Oregon Department of Transportation, and the Safe Routes to School National Partnership.