The goal of our work is to promote the health and well-being of all adolescents in Oregon.
The information found here is for youth, parents and the many people who support and provide services for them.
There is a strong, well-established link between health and learning. Students’ health impacts attendance, test scores, and the ability to pay attention in class.
School-Based Health Centers
Oregon's School-Based Health Centers (SBHCs) are a unique health care model in which comprehensive physical, mental and preventive health services are provided to youth and adolescents in a school setting.
- School Nursing and School Health Programs
Nurses in Oregon schools reduce health-related barriers to education. They support students with special health care needs; train school staff on individual student care and school-wide health protocols; and work with school teams to promote wellness for school communities.
Youth Sexual Health
Becoming a sexually healthy adult is one of the most important developmental tasks of adolescence. Healthy sexuality is to be respected, and requires a sense of responsibility to be emotionally and physically prepared and protected.
Coordinated School Health EffortsYouth health is as complex and multi-faceted as each individual student and family. Coordinating efforts across agency programs and within school communities can enhance opportunities for students to learn, grow, and thrive. Collaboration at state level includes the programs listed here and many other partners, from education colleagues to Youth Advisory Council members. Visit Oregon Healthy Schools for more information and support for local coordinated school health efforts.