WIC values wellness!

We know that place matters - where we live, work and play all have a great influence on our health.
In order to support local wellness efforts across the state, this page will host quarterly newsletters, resources and ideas on how to promote wellness for yourself and your agency.
Kudos Korner will be an ongoing column where we can acknowledge the creative ways you are incorporating Wellness@WIC. If you would like to share your successes, or if you have suggestions for future topics or ideas for this newsletter, please contact our office at 971-673-0040.
We're also on Facebook and Twitter!
Summer 2016: Statewide meeting wellness
Winter 2016: Finding your balancing act
Spring 2015: Gelotology and mental health
Summer 2014: Appreciating yourself
Spring 2014: Look up!
Winter 2014: Mind-body connection
Fall 2013: Smart money
Summer 2013: Play on
Spring 2013: Learning to respond without reacting
Winter 2013: Six dimensions of wellness