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Oregon Health Authority

Early Hearing Detection and Intervention

The Oregon Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Program (EHDI) is dedicated to assuring that infants and young children in Oregon who are deaf or hard of hearing (D/HH) are identified early and receive services to support language development. The first months of life are a critical period for developing language and communication skills. Early identification that an infant is deaf or hard of hearing and appropriate intervention enhance a child's potential for language development.

EHDI programs nationwide pursue universal newborn hearing screening by one month of age, diagnosis no later than three months of age for infants not passing the hearing screening, and enrollment in early intervention by six months of age for infants identified as D/HH.

What is CMV?

CMV (cytomegalovirus) infection during pregnancy is a leading cause of birth anomalies and developmental disabilities in children, including hearing loss, vision loss, and other health problems. CMV spreads easily and often has no symptoms.

CMV spreads through saliva (drool), mucus (snot), and urine (pee).

Pregnant people are more at risk of CMV because it is common among healthy young children and pregnant people are often exposed to CMV by caring for babies and young children. Pregnant people can pass CMV to their unborn baby if they are infected during pregnancy.

Learn more by downloading this fact sheet:

Printed versions of English and Spanish CMV handouts are available upon request. Please send an email with your name, organization, and requested quantity to: or call 971-673-0252 (voice or text).

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