Strategic Communications Resources
The resources in this section are designed to support TPEP strategic communications planning and campaign activities. If you have any questions about these tools or strategic communications for tobacco prevention, please email or
The Road to a Smokefree Oregon is a timeline showing major milestones in both Oregon and the nation that have occurred in the last fifty years related to tobacco prevention. The timeline is available as a
PowerPoint that breaks the timeline up into smaller chunks, and as
one document that shows the timeline as a whole.
Also consider using the first edition of the
Tobacco Industry Denormalization (TID) Cookbook for earned media and grass roots ideas. Each idea comes with an introduction of what the idea will be useful for, a list of suggested ingredients and then directions for how to carry it out. Several of the ideas have “add-on ingredient” sections that offer templates for news releases you can cater to your own needs or talking points you can sprinkle with your own community’s data. The more you can infuse these activities with your own local stories and data, the more compelling and interesting you will make it for your local decision makers, your community and the news media.
For additional support engaging media, connecting with partners or telling your story, check out the templates and checklists below:
Smokefree Oregon Cessation Campaign Toolkit
This digital media toolkit is for coordinated care organizations (CCOs), health care providers and systems, and local public health authorities (LPHAs) as part of the Oregon Health Authority’s Smokefree Oregon mass media campaign.
Cessation Toolkit
The toolkit includes template emails for providers and patients, social media posts, a PowerPoint presentation, talking points, and posters. These resources are designed to support people as they work to quit their vape or nicotine addiction for good – and to the health care providers helping them to achieve that goal.
Please allow a few moments for the zip files to download.
2018 Tobacco and Alcohol Retail Assessment
In 2018, HPCDP supported local health department staff, nonprofits, tribes and volunteers to conduct assessments of nearly 2,000 tobacco retailers, including grocery stores, convenience stores, gas stations and pharmacies. The assessment looked at tobacco product availability and marketing, similar to earlier assessments in 2013-2015 and 2016.
To read the statewide report and to learn more about results in your county, visit