Tobacco Retail Evaluation
The Tobacco Retail Evaluation (TRE) seeks to increase understanding of factors that will lead to success in establishing effective local tobacco retail policies in all counties. Both Strategies for Policy and environmental Change, Tobacco-Free (SPArC) and non-SPArC counties participated in Phase One of the evaluation, which took place from 2016-2017. Phase Two is currently underway, taking place from 2017- 2019. TRE follows a utilization-focused evaluation framework guided by a User Panel. There were four components of the evaluation: 28-Day rapid response survey and reports, key informant interviews, point in time assessments and individual SPArC evaluations.
28-Day Rapid Response Survey and Report
This brief survey and report provides information about TPEP and SPArC Tobacco-Free Grantees experiences with tobacco retailer engagement, preemption and partnerships.
Three point-in-time (PIT) assessments have been conducted as of May 2019. The first was conducted in October 2016, the second was conducted in June 2017, and the third was conducted in July 2018. The purpose of the assessment was for each TPEP/SPArC grantee to identify their current status of the policy change progress, using the HPCDP Policy Change Process Model (PCPM) for each of their tobacco retail policy initiatives.
The Tobacco Retail Evaluation Report for Phase One is a comprehensive document that includes evaluation methods and findings, evaluation conclusions and recommendations, as well as the tools used throughout the evaluation.
Tobacco Retail Evaluation Webinar shared the following information:
• Key elements of Oregon’s Tobacco Retail Evaluation;
• Identified ways to use findings from Phase One (July 2016-October 2017) of the Tobacco Retail Evaluation in local and state policy;
• Outlined expectations for grantee participation in Phase Two of the Tobacco Retail Evaluation.
Individual reports were created for each SPArC grantee, highlighting key strategies and accomplishments.