The gender a survey respondent identifies. In 2017-2023 the OHIS included additional response options for gender identities beyond male/man/boy or female/woman/girl. Additional response options are combined in the "Gender Other" group to allow for reporting small numbers and align reporting over the years. (Note: Missing, don't know, refused, and blank responses were excluded from analyses.)
The additional response options for gender in 2023 are: Non-binary; Agender, No gender; Questioning; Exploring; and unlisted written-in responses. Documentation of the response options prior to 2023 is available on request.
Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) questions are used under the direction and guidance of OHA's
Equity and Inclusion Division. Visit their
REAL-D and SOGI website for more information. Beginning in 2023, OHIS collects complete REAL-D and SOGI data.