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Oregon Health Authority

CCO Quality Metrics Dashboards and Reports

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The Oregon Health Authority is using quality health metrics to show how well Coordinated Care Organizations (CCOs) are serving members of the Oregon Health Plan (Medicaid). As part of our 1115 waiver with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid services (CMS), we are required to report on CCO performance and payments each year. This is important for transparency and help us see if CCOs are improving access to and quality of health care.

CCO Performance Metrics Dashboard

This CCO Performance Metrics Dashboard allows users to explore annual CCO performance over time on dozens of health care quality measures, including those incentivized through the CCO Quality Incentive Program. Results can also be filtered by granular Race, Ethnicity, Language and Disability (REALD) categories. 

Click here to explore the data: CCO Performance Metrics Dashbaord 

To help viewers of the CCO Performance Metrics Dashboard, we have recorded three prese​ntations​:

CCO Quality Incentive Program: 2023 Final Report

The CCO Metrics 2023 Final Report provides statewide highlights and snapshots of CCOs' performance and payments for incentivized metrics in the most recent measurement year.

2023 annual report cover

Other Reports and Analyses

Quality Incentive Program Study 

The OHA Quality Incentive Program Study Findings Report, published in September 2024 and required by Senate Bill 966 (2023), examines the potential of the Quality Incentive Program to further progress toward OHA's goal of eliminating health inequities.

For a brief summary introduction you can also read the 966 Study Summary (English) or  966 Study Summary (Spanish).

In addition to the formal Quality Incentive Program Study (above), OHA staff have produced various analyses to support Oregon's ongoing commitment to leveraging the CCO Quality Incentive Program to eliminate health inequities. The documents below were originally included as meeting materials for the Metrics and Scoring Committee and are compiled here for transparency.

Data Feasibility Analysis 

This analysis, presented to the Metrics and Scoring Committee in April 2024 and updated in December, explores the Quality Incentive Program history related to equity measurement, and explores data feasibility of stratified benchmarking.

Read the Analysis

Incentivizing Health Equity 

This working paper, last updated in April 2024 compiles information about how other state Medicaid programs are approaching incentives to achieve health equity as part of quality measurement.

Read the Working Paper

Equity Impact Assessment 

This analysis, presented to the Metrics and Scoring Committee in May 2021, describes findings from and Equity Impact Assessment of the Committee's work in selecting measures for the Quality Incentive Program.

Read the Assessment

Contact Us

Questions about these reports or studies? Please email

Media inquires:
Amy Bacher, Communications
(503) 405-5403