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Statements of Economic Interest

Statements of Economic Interest (SEI)

The Statement of Economic Interest is a report that ORS 244.050 requires individuals holding certain public positions to file annually with the Oregon Government Ethics Commission (OGEC).

In general, persons who hold the following positions are required to file:

  • Certain statewide elected officials
  • Legislative Officials
  • Judicial Officers
  • Candidates for the above named positions
  • Elected city or council officials
  • Members of city or county planning, zoning, or development commissions
  • Managers or principal administrators of a city or county
  • Chief administrative officer and financial officer of each common and union high school district, ESD, and community college
  • School Board members of each common and union high school district
  • Members of the board of commissioners of ports
  • Certain state agency directors
  • Members of certain boards and commissions

See ORS 244.050 for a complete list of filers.

  • SEI Reports are due April 15th
  • March 15th SEI filing window opens
  • EFS is available 24-hours a day, 7-days a week
  • Email notifications are sent mid-March of each year. The notification is sent based on information the Jurisdictional Contact and the SEI filer EFS account provides.

SEI filers are required to file an annual an SEI if they are seated and hold their position on April 15th of any given year. 

The information to be reported reflects activity from the preceding calendar year; for instance, if seated on April 15th of 2025, the SEI would include information relating to the 2024 calendar year. This applies even if the person did not hold their position during the preceding calendar year.

Candidates described in ORS 244.050(4) who will appear on the Oregon primary election ballot are required to file an SEI by April 15, 2024.

Candidates described in ORS 244.050(4)   who will appear on the general election ballot, are required to file an SEI by September 26, 2024 . If you held a position or were a candidate in the primary election that was required to file by April 15th, you do not need to file another form. You are only required to file one SEI per year, you do not need to file an SEI for multiple positions in 2024.

​If you need assistance with filing your SEI, please do not hesitate to contact OGEC staff at or (503)378-5105.

Electronic Filing System (EFS)

EFS Sign In

Access EFS to login, create an account, and file your SEI. You may also use the Electronic System Filing Login tab at the top of the page.

SEI Filing Records

View Public Records

Access SEI filing records in the EFS. EFS keeps all SEI Filing Records from 2016 through now. 

SEI Filer Training

View SEI Filer Training

Access live webinar trainings, the SEI Filer Guide, and more on our SEI Filer Training page.

Questions in the SEI

Below is a brief description of the questions asked on the annual SEI, and information on the answers SEI filers will be required to provide.

​SEI filers are required to list any businesses in which they or a member of their household maintained a position as an officer or director during the preceding calendar year.

NOTE: This applies to personal business ventures, not the public position(s) they hold.

List the Business Name, the Title of Office, Business Address, Held by Whom, and a Description of the Business. [ORS 244.060(1)]

New in 2024

House Bill 2038, which passed during the 2023 legislative session, now requires additional information about sources of income for business that are listed on a filer's SEI.

Public officials who list business in questions 1A or 1B, will now be required to provide details about certain clients of those businesses. 

Clients include customers, investors, or any other persons or entities with who the listed business has a legal, contractual, or other business relationship.

Clients that are required to be listed must meet the following conditions. First, the clients contribute 10% or more of the business' gross annual income. Second, the clients have a legislative or administrative interest in the public body that the public official serves, or candidate if elected, holds office.

​SEI filers are required to list the names of businesses that they or members of their household did business under during the preceding calendar year.

List the Business Name, the Title of Office, Business Address, Held by Whom, and a Description of the Business.

NOTE: Items A and B may be the same and Item B may be subsidiary of parent company listed in Item A. [ORS 244.060(2)]

New in 2024

House Bill 2038, which passed during the 2023 legislative session, now requires additional information about sources of income for business that are listed on a filer's SEI.

Public officials who list business in questions 1A or 1B, will now be required to provide details about certain clients of those businesses. 

Clients include customers, investors, or any other persons or entities with who the listed business has a legal, contractual, or other business relationship.

Clients that are required to be listed must meet the following conditions. First, the clients contribute 10% or more of the business' gross annual income. Second, the clients have a legislative or administrative interest in the public body that the public official serves, or candidate if elected, holds office.

​SEI filers are required to list all sources of income (not the amount of income) that made up 10% or more of their total annual household income in the preceding calendar year. This includes any household member who is 18 years of age or over.

Businesses are sources of income, not the individual clients of the business.

List the Name of the Source, Address of the Source, and a Description of the Source (which household member received the income).

NOTE: Do not leave Question 2 unanswered. Everyone should have some source of income, such as Social Security, "X" Company (employer), etc.

[ORS 244.060(3)]

​SEI filers are required to list all real property (residential, commercial, vacant land, etc.) located within the geographical boundaries of the jurisdiction they serve, other than their principal residence, in which the SEI filer or household member had any ownership interest, option to purchase or sell, or other legal right to in the preceding calendar year.

For example, a county commissioner would list any properties, such as rentals, vacant lots, or commercial properties they own that are located withing the county boundaries. Legislators, statewide elected officeholders, and appointed state officials must disclose relevant property owned anywhere in the State of Oregon. Examples of appointed state officials who are SEI filers include public university presidents, the Director of the Oregon Health Authority, and the Executive Director of the Oregon Government Ethics Commission.

[ORS 244.060(4)(b)]

​SEI filers are required to list the amount of any expenses with an aggregate value exceeding $50 that were paid by a source other than the jurisdiction they serve during the preceding calendar year.

Section A includes events where expenses were paid by a government entity, Native American tribe, membership organization or nonprofit organization, where the public official was participating in a convention, fact-finding mission, or where they were representing the government. [ORS 244.020(7)(b)(F)]

NOTE: This is one of two instances in which SEI filers are required to upload a receipt to their annual SEI report. The paying entity should provide the public official a receipt of the costs within ten days of the date the expenses occurred. [ORS 244.100]


SEI filers are required to list the amount of any expenses with an aggregate value exceeding $50 that were paid by a source other than the jurisdiction they serve during the preceding calendar year.

Section B covers events where the public officially represents a government body on an officially sanctioned or designated trade promotion, fact finding mission, negotiation or economic development activities described in the exception to gift restrictions. These events are those that were officially sanctioned or designated by the official's public body. [ORS 244.020(7)(b)(H)]

NOTE: Do not list expenses that were paid by the public body the SEI filer represented.

​SEI filers must report any honoraria over $15 in value that they received in the preceding calendar year. Honoraria is something of economic value given to a public official in the exchange for services where the custom or propriety prevents setting a price, where the service is usually a speech or presentation. SEI filers list all items over $15 in value and include details such as the nature of the event, the provider's name, and the date and amount received.

NOTE: This is second of the two instances in which SEI filers are required to upload a receipt to their annual SEI report. The paying entity should provide the public official a receipt within ten days of the event for which the item was received. [ORS 244.100(2)]

​This question directs the SEI filer to list any compensated lobbyist who was associated with a business that the SEI filer or household member was also associated with in the preceding calendar year. If any businesses or sources of income from questions one and two paid a lobbyist registered in Oregon, the SEI filer would list those businesses here. 

Owning stock in a publicly traded company in which the lobbyist also owns stock is not a relationship that requires disclosure. [ORS 244.090(1)]

Report the Name of the Lobbyist, the Name of the Business, and the Type of the Business.

​SEI filer is required to list any individual or business from who the SEI filer or household member received an income of $1,000 or more that had an economic interest in their role as a public official.

Report the Income Source, Address, and Description.

DO NOT ANSWER questions 7, 8, 9, and 10 unless the source of the interest is derived from an individual or business that has a legislative or administrative interest or that has been doing business, does business, or could reasonably be expected to do business with the governmental agency which you hold an official position or over which you exercise authority.

List any individual or business to whom the filer or member of their household owed a debt of $1,000 or more and that had an economic interest in their role as a public official. Excluded are debts owed to banks for credit card purchases or other personal debts owed to financial institutions.

List the Name of Creditor, Date of Loan, and the Interest Rate of Loan.

DO NOT ANSWER questions 7, 8, 9, and 10 unless the source of the interest is derived from an individual or business that has a legislative or administrative interest or that has been doing business, does business, or could reasonably be expected to do business with the governmental agency which you hold an official position or over which you exercise authority.

List any individual or business that the SEI filer or member of their household had a personal, beneficial interest in, or investment of, more than $1,000 and that had an economic interest in their role as a public official.

NOTE: Do not list the amount of the investment. Do not list individual items in a mutual fund or blind trust, or a time or demand deposit in a financial institution, shares in a credit union or the cash surrender value of life insurance. [ORS 244.070(2)]

List the Business Name, Address, and a Description of the Business.

DO NOT ANSWER questions 7, 8, 9, and 10 unless the source of the interest is derived from an individual or business that has a legislative or administrative interest or that has been doing business, does business, or could reasonably be expected to do business with the governmental agency which you hold an official position or over which you exercise authority.

SEI filers are required to list any individual or business that paid the SEI filer, as an individual, a service fee of more than $1,000 and that had an economic interest in their role as a public official.

NOTE: Do not list fees if you are prohibited from doing so by law or a professional code of ethics. [ORS 244.070(3)]

DO NOT ANSWER questions 7, 8, 9, and 10 unless the source of the interest is derived from an individual or business that has a legislative or administrative interest or that has been doing business, does business, or could reasonably be expected to do business with the governmental agency which you hold an official position or over which you exercise authority.