List any individual or business that the SEI filer or member of their household had a personal, beneficial interest in, or investment of, more than $1,000 and that had an economic interest in their role as a public official.
NOTE: Do not list the amount of the investment. Do not list individual items in a mutual fund or blind trust, or a time or demand deposit in a financial institution, shares in a credit union or the cash surrender value of life insurance. [ORS 244.070(2)]
List the Business Name, Address, and a Description of the Business.
DO NOT ANSWER questions 7, 8, 9,
and 10 unless the source of the interest is derived from an individual
or business that has a legislative or administrative interest or that
has been doing business, does business, or could reasonably be
expected to do business with the governmental agency which you hold an
official position or over which you exercise authority.