During an emergency or disaster, local governments conduct a quick
initial assessment of damages and impacts, sometimes as part of a request for
state or federal resources to augment local ones. The Local Emergency Program
Manager coordinates this assessment and usually assigns some Initial Damage Assessment (IDA)
responsibilities to other departments of local government.
The IDA examines the damages and costs related to a disaster, the impact
of the disaster on the community, and which state, federal, or voluntary agency
programs might be appropriate for providing needed assistance. With respect to
federal assistance, a determination during the IDA of the extent of affected
homes, businesses, and public facilities assists state officials to determine
whether they need to follow-up with other damage or impact assessments,
including perhaps a Preliminary Damage Assessment (PDA) for Individual
Assistance, Public Assistance, or both.
As soon as it can be safely done during or following the event, local officials
should complete the IDA Summary Report Form. Counties should forward the
completed form to Oregon Emergency Management (OEM). All smaller divisions of
government, such as cities or special districts, should forward the form to the
county in which they are located.
Forms and resources can be found in the links below.