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Section 151 of House Bill 2927 (amended July 1, 2022 under House Bill 4068) ordered by the Senate on June 25, 2021, established the Emergency Preparedness Advisory Council within the Office of the Governor. The mission of the council is to facilitate policy recommendations for catastrophic disaster preparedness, mitigation and response, recovery planning, procedures, and protocols with special emphasis on outreach to representatives of designated state and federal emergency support functions.
Past Meetings
Additional Resources
For questions about EPAC, please contact:
The EPAC council is established within the Office of the Governor and consists of 16 members.
Association of Oregon Counties – Lane County Commissioner
Local – Regional Emergency Management Organizations
Oregon Department of Public Safety
Oregon Military Department
Oregon Department of Justice
Nonprofit Community - EM Support Functions Responsibility (American Red Cross)
Private Sector
Local – Preparedness Emergency Management Organizations
Oregon Department of Human Services
Oregon Health Authority
Oregon Department of Forestry
League of Oregon Cities (Medford)
Indian Tribes in Oregon (Warm Springs)
Oregon Department of Emergency Managment
Oregon Department of Energy
Oregon State Fire Marshall Office with the Oregon Fire Mutual Aid System
Oregon Department of Transportation
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