ODVA Special Advocacy
ODVA provides special advocacy in the form of specialized coordinator positions and expertise for several minority veteran populations, detailed below.
With more than half of Oregon's veterans being 65 or older, the Aging Veteran Outreach Coordinator provides services directed at aging veterans, especially those receiving in-home care or care in long-term facilities around the state. The position is an integral part of the agency mission to ensure aging and vulnerable veterans receive the highest quality of veteran programs and benefits and priority representation from an accredited veterans service officer specializing in assisting veterans with benefits as they age. ODVA also offers priority representation to ensure each aging veteran has applied for benefits and is receiving all entitlements through the federal VA and other government and nonprofit entities. Learn more here.
Contact Information
Lacey Carter - Aging Veterans Outreach Coordinator
ODVA_Outreach@odva.oregon.gov | 503-373-2010
ODVA's Campus Veteran Coordinator works directly with veteran resource coordinators at public universities and community colleges to help build a supportive community for veteran-serving campus professionals through advocacy, training, and regular meetings. The Campus Veterans Coordinator facilitates connections between campus partners and regional resources such as county and Tribal VSOs, VA medical and mental health care services, and others. For more information about student veterans and the resources available to help you achieve your educational and vocational goals, visit ODVA's Student Veterans page. You can also learn more about education benefits through ODVA by visiting the Education Benefits page.
Contact Information
Joseph Mah - Campus Veterans Coordinator
campus.vets@odva.oregon.gov | 503-373-0895
As Oregon has one of the highest rates of veteran homelessness in the nation, ODVA's Houseless Veterans Program collaborates with federal, state, county, and Tribal agencies, veteran services offices, and community homeless service providers to meet the urgent and unique needs of Oregon's diverse veteran communities challenged with housing stability. In addition to advocating for Oregon veterans experiencing or at risk for houselessness, the program provides direct service to veterans and their families seeking federal and state veterans' benefits, including access to local VA health care, documentation of service, as well as other available state benefits, and local homeless services organizations and low-income assistance programs. Learn more here.
Contact Information
Gabe Maestas - Houseless Veterans Coordinator
houselessvets@odva.oregon.gov | 971-388-8219
First established in 2016, the Incarcerated Veterans Program works with veterans and the families of veterans entering or transitioning from the state prison system. Depending on the circumstances, justice-involved veterans may still be eligible for VA and other benefits, and ODVA Incarcerated Veteran Coordinators work with the Oregon Department of Corrections to determine eligibility and provide assistance as needed to connect veterans and their families with these resources. This work provides veterans and their families an opportunity to establish stability and mitigate negative outcomes during and after incarceration with state and federal veteran benefits, health and behavioral health care, re-employment and education programs, and more. Learn more here.
Contact Information
Patrick McGuffin, Kim McKandes - Incarcerated Veterans Coordinators
incarceratedvets@odva.oregon.gov | 503-373-2098, 503-689-3362
Oregon is proud to have been the first in the nation to establish a dedicated LGBTQ+ Veterans Program offering direct services to LGBTQ+ veterans to assist with military records corrections, discharge status upgrades, and service-connected disability compensation claims filing for VA benefits. The program also provides extensive outreach to engage and foster community with LGBTQ+ veterans and assists veterans in enrolling in specialized health care through a Veterans Health Administration LGBTQ+ Veteran Care Coordinator. Through these efforts, veterans within the Oregon LGBTQ+ community now receive trauma-informed and dignity-affirming care while also connecting with needed federal, state and local services. Learn more here.
Contact Information
Ian Michael - LGBTQ+ Veterans Coordinator
odva_lgbtqvets@odva.oregon.gov | 503-373-2327
An estimated 3,128 of Oregon veterans are American Indian and Alaska Native, representing Oregon's nine federally recognized and non-recognized Tribes. Tribal members have one of the highest records of military service per capita of any ethnic group, and Native American communities in Oregon have a long and rich history of honoring and supporting all veterans. Working with Oregon’s Tribes, ODVA continues to appreciate Tribal sovereignty and strong partnerships, providing annual Tribal veteran advocate training while supporting outreach events that honors Tribal veterans and raises awareness of veterans' benefits, programs and services across the state. Learn more here.
Contact Information
Jon Taylor - Tribal Veterans Coordinator
tribal.veterans@odva.oregon.gov | 971-239-6673
In 2015, the Oregon Legislature created the Women Veterans Program to improve outcomes for women veterans in five specific areas: outreach, advocacy, data, research and policy. Focused outreach and advocacy is achieved via listening sessions and ongoing outreach to women veterans across Oregon. This work increases awareness of women veterans and their unique experiences, issues and needs as veterans. This program specializes in assisting in the claims process with women veteran specific expertise, especially related to difficult or challenging claims involving military sexual trauma. The Women Veterans Program also supports women veterans in accessing their earned benefits, including specialized health care and other care needs. Learn more here.
Contact Information
Jessica Bradley - Women Veterans Coordinator
odva_orwomenvets@odva.oregon.gov | 503-576-9603