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Oregon Roads Newsletter

Oregon Roads Header/Logo
Oregon Roads is a quarterly publication of the Oregon Technology Transfer Center, furnishing information on transportation technology to local agencies. It is distributed electronically, free of charge, to cities, counties, tribal governments, road districts, and others having transportation responsibilities.


The opinions, findings or recommendations expressed in this newsletter are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Oregon Department of Transportation or Federal Highway Administration. We do not endorse products or manufacturers. Where names of either appear, it is only to lend clarity or completeness to the article. Space limitations and other considerations prohibit us from providing an advertising service to our readership.

Rebekah Jacobson, T2 Director
Lynda Ogilvie, Training Coordinator

Contact Us

Email T2 Center
Telephone 503-986-2855


555 13th Street NE
Salem, OR 97301
