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Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act 2021

A Big Investment in Oregon’s Transportation System

The Infrastructure, Investment and Jobs act included a five-year reauthorization of existing federal highway, transit, safety and rail programs as well as new programs and increased funding. In total, Oregon will receive at least $4.5 billion. This includes over $1 billion in additional federal funding from 2022-26 — a 38% increase, and an additional $200 million in transit funding over that same period — a 35% increase.

Where Is the Money Going?

IIJA funds are helping us address many of our most pressing transportation challenges. The money is going toward projects around the state that benefit drivers, transit riders, cyclists and pedestrians, help maintain roads and bridges, and address climate change.

Of the IIJA funding, approximately $412 million is flexible and can be used for a variety of purposes. The OTC took the input they received and prioritized the flexible funds on main streets, accessibility, repair, and air quality. They directed investments that address some of the critical needs of our transportation system while also approving expenditures in areas focused on a more equitable, safe, resilient, and sustainable transportation system.

Get details on how we are spending the funding

Your Priorities Addressed

Community priorities drive decisions

We talked to Oregonians to gather input for the Oregon Transportation Commission's consideration on how to allocate additional federal funding. These activities included:

  • Discussions with Area Commissions on Transportation, modal advisory committees, and metropolitan planning organization policy boards.
  • Discussions with the Governor's Racial Justice Council and groups representing marginalized communities.
  • An online open house
  • Written comments from the public and stakeholders.
  • Public comments at commission meetings.

Download a fact sheet.

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