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Statement of Work Library

This page includes statement of work resources and templates primarily for Architectural and Engineering and related services for Oregon Department of Transportation and local public agency projects.

Use only the latest version of each statement of work template linked below because versions stored in project files or email attachments may not be current.

Unless stated otherwise in a specific statement of work template, contracts using statement of work templates are subject to standard legal sufficiency review requirements.

NOTE: If any forms or documents linked on this page will not open, right-click on the link and select "Save link as" to download the file.


​​A&E Statement of Work Writing Guide  (Engineering & Related Services)

Statement of Work Writing Guide  (Non-Engineering & Related Services)

AE Design SSOW Tool: Used to generate a Standardized Statement of Work (SSOW) using Gavel (formerly Documate)

             Tutorial on using Gavel to generate the SSOW: SSOW Gavel tool - Overview

             SSOW Task Language Change Request Form ( Form to request changes to the task language

             SSOW Terms and Definitions

             SSOW Resources and Links​​

How to Automate SOW Reviews to Find Problem Areas

Statement of Work Writing Conventions

Engineering Guidance & Reference Standards

(NEW) Contract Drafting Checklist for Consultants

(NEW) Advanced Investigation​: Used with ODOT Personal Services Contract or WOC template​

NEW - Standardized Statement of Work (SSOW) Tool

​The SOW templates linked below are for use on certified local agency contracts that include federal funding. Please submit user feedback on these SOW templates to​. ​

  • Each task template is for each task in a full-service project. The templates can also be used, with appropriate modifications, for discipline-specific contracts.
  • The task template language must be revised as needed for specifics applicable to the current project (including deletion of requirements that don’t apply).
  • The first link is for a consolidated list of acronyms and definitions used in the various task templates.​

Acronyms and Definitions ​   [1/5/21]

Task 1. Project Management   [3/24/22]

Task 2. Survey   [8/16/22]

Task 3. Environmental   [2/8/21]

     Task 3.4 HazMat ​[6/27/22]

Task 4. Public Involvement​   [new - 1/17/24]

Task 5. Utility Coordination   [7/27/20]

Task 6. Geotechnical and Pavement Services​   [12/22/20]

Task 7. Hydraulics   [9/17/20]

Task 8. Traffic Engineering & Management​   [12/10/20]

Task 9. Railroad Coordination   [8/27/20]

Task 10. Roadway Design​   [12/7/20]

Task 11. Bridge Design​   [10/10/22]

Task 12. Permits​   [11/25/20]

Task 13. Design Acceptance Package​   [4/27/22]

Task 14. Right of Way​   [6/6/22​]

Task 15. Plans, Specifications & Estimate​   [5/4/22]

Task 16. Advertisement and Award Assistance​   [11/24/20]

CA/CEI SOW for CLPA​ [10/3/22]​

CA-CEI SOW (version date 7/31/23)

CA_CEI Deliverables Checklist

Task CE6 Public Involvement - Public Information (version date 4/03/23). If used with the CA/CEI template, insert this SOW as Task CE-6 before editing. If this SOW is used apart from the approved CA/CEI SOW template, such use is not covered by the DOJ exemption.

For questions related to this page, or to report problems or broken links, please send email to Guy Britnell, ODOT Procurement Web Editor.