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OReGO Business Partners

ODOT is now accepting proposals from prospective OReGO business partners

To submit a bid, vendors should first complete free registration in Oregon Buys

Below are the links to our active procurements:

OAM Bid Solicitation

CAM Bid Solicitation

Read on for more information and tips on submitting successful proposals for the OReGO program.

How to join OReGO as a certified business partner

Interested businesses can submit a proposal through the Oregon Procurement Office. You will need to verify that you are eligible to do business with the State of Oregon, create an account on the procurement office's website (, then research terms, rates and documents for the Road Usage Charge Program to prepare your proposal. Read all the details below under "Submit a Proposal."

About OReGO business partners

To deliver road charging services and driver benefits, ODOT contracts with private sector businesses to establish and manage driver accounts, collect data and process road charge transactions. We're seeking forward-thinking, collaborative partners to help us move the Road Usage Charge Program from pilot to policy.

Starting in 2019, the Legislature authorized ODOT to allow unlimited OReGO participants, and there are more volunteer perks than ever. Drivers of fuel-powered vehicles can receive a credit for fuel tax, and drivers of electric vehicles are eligible for reduced registration fees. These options and services were all made possible by OReGO business partners.


What is OReGO?

OReGO is the first, fully-operational, revenue-generating, per-mile charging system in the U.S.

Currently, Oregonians pay a fuel tax to fund road preservation and improvement projects. But cars and trucks are using less gas or run on electricity, shrinking funds for our roads and bridges. With the OReGO pay-by-mile system, Oregonians pay for the miles they drive instead of gallons consumed.

OReGO launched successfully on July 1, 2015, with no sunset date. ODOT continues to welcome new volunteers.

Be part of the solution

Road usage charging is advancing quickly around the U.S. and may be the most impactful transportation innovation since Oregon implemented the nation's first gas tax a century ago (1918). The nation soon followed.

Now, states are struggling to pay for transportation projects as fuel taxes become unsustainable in the evolution toward fleet electrification. Meanwhile, to address their contributions to climate change, DOTs seek alternative ways to generate funding that also help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

A road usage charge is that solution. This new funding model weans us off fossil fuels using a modern, technology-based solution that combats climate change while assessing drivers fairly for their road use.

OReGO business partner benefits

Are you ready to become a leader in a new type of transportation funding?

Want to provide your customers with a new service?

Would you like to access to a larger pool of potential customers?

As an OReGO business partner, you will establish your business as a tech leader in the road usage charge revolution in transportation. With us, you can:

  • build trust and recognition among industry experts;
  • test and explore system options while road charging is still in its early phase;
  • offer and monetize additional value-added services that work for your customers as well as OReGO drivers.

Project examples

Regional RUC Pilot Project            

This project was a research and development (R&D) initiative in collaboration with RUC America, including nine contributing member states. This report presents compelling information illustrating the benefits of moving from today's state-centric model to interstate RUC interoperability and the recommendations for that evolution.

2017 Regional RUC Pilot Project report.docx

New Technologies Evaluation

The purpose of this project was to partner with current commercial account managers (CAM) to analyze the feasibility of additional mileage reporting technologies, which could allow more vehicles to participate in the program and provide more choices to the public.

2016 New Technologies Project report.docx

Partnering with Other Agencies Evaluation

This project focused on building data interfaces between the OReGO program, ODOT's Transportation Development Division (TDD), and the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). This task also included potential interface modifications between account managers and the Road Usage Charge Administration System (RUCAS), OReGO's internal system.

2016 Partnering with Other Agencies Evaluation Project report.docx

Current OReGO business partners      

Submit a proposal: steps in our procurement process

  1. Check that you are able to do business with the State of Oregon. Visit the Secretary of State's website to check your status and register if you haven't done so before:
  2. Log in or create an account with the Oregon Procurement Office
  3. Search for the Road Usage Charge Program

All steps must be complete before signing a Price Agreement to work with Oregon's Road Usage Charge Program.

You may also like to research the Oregon Department of Transportation Procurement Office website for other information that will be needed to do business with our agency; for example, establishing billing rates:

Other processes and requirements to address in your proposal are outlined in the contract and requirements documents listed in the table below.

Contract and requirements documents

Procurement DocumentDescriptionLink
Price AgreementAgreement to do work with the State and describes the Scope of work that the Vendor and State intend to work on in the business partnership.TBD
Work Order ContractContract that specifies the statement of work, tasks, deliverables, schedule, and cost associated with the work.TBD
Program Requirements DocumentDescribes the technical requirements that the Agency requires each subsystem to contain and the business related conditions which the contractor shall adhere to for collecting and processing tax payments. PRD v2.2
Interface Control DocumentSpecification for how data will be exchanged between the Contractor's subsystems.ICD v2.4
Service Level AgreementDefines the Contractor's criteria for maintaining customer service (including the expected level of service to the Agency) for the duration of this PA and any WOCs issued under this PA.SLA v1.6
Verification Cross Reference IndexThe technical and functional requirements that the Contractor has agreed to meet as part of its contractual agreement. TBD
System OverviewDescribes the concept and scenarios of the system.TBD
RUC Rate TableEstablishes Rule ID and Sub Rule IDs to identify states and their RUC Rates. This table will be updated anytime there is a change in RUC Rates.TBD

Contact Us
RUC Program

503-986-RUCP (7827)

Jim Atkins

Business Partner Manager
