This project extends the sidewalk upgrades and protected bike lanes to connect to the north-south bicycle network on N Denver; replaces an existing right turn “slip lane” with green stormwater treatment areas and a pedestrian plaza; and improves intersection safety and timing.
This project adds high-visibility crosswalks, new sidewalks and bike lanes on W Chocktoot Street; adds a multiuse path and stormwater treatment swales along Chiloquin Boulevard; realigns intersections for improved safety and visibility; and partners with the city to install pedestrian scale lighting, street trees, street furniture, art, and gateway treatments. This project leverages a federal grant to incorporate climate-friendly construction techniques and methods.
New transit shelters and accessible bus stop features, sidewalk infill, two new crossings, and a continues bike lane will be constructed in conjunction with intersection upgrades already approved for Safe Routes to School funding.
Great Streets 2.0 evolves the program to focus on strategic investments, advancing outcomes, and leveraging other investments.
Strategic Investments: in order to get the best bang for the buck, Great Streets 2.0 narrowed in on areas with the highest overlapping needs. Data layers were combined for safety, equity, active transportation, climate, seismic, operations, freight and more. Geographic locations were then identified that glow ‘hot,' where multiple high-priority needs overlap. These were the basis for identifying potential investment locations.
Advancing Outcomes: Geographic locations that aligned with safety, climate, or equity goals were pinpointed. Only projects that advance one or more of these goals were selected to move forward to scoping.
Leverage: projects moving forward also needed to be paired with an existing or planned investment. This cut overall costs by combining projects instead of having multiple independent projects each with mobilization and other costs. By leveraging we are working to stretch limited dollars.
Potential Great Streets 2.0 investments are currently being scoped and projects will be identified in early 2025 for inclusion in the STIP.
Future Great Streets
ODOT started the Great Streets program as a proof-of-concept. It has been extremely successful and should be funded in the future. There is no dedicated funding source. Any additional funds would be of value. With more money the program can scale up to better address all high-priority needs that cannot be afforded today. These may include roundabouts, drainages, paving and more.