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Oregon Dealer Advisory Committee


This page provides access to the ODAC meeting agendas and meeting minutes.

The Oregon Dealer Advisory Committee is established pursuant to Oregon Revised Statute 802.370 and Oregon Administrative Rule 735-150-0015.

You can also view the current ODAC Guidelines.

Click on the links provided below to access the most current and archived agendas and minutes. 

​​​​Contact Us

DMV Business Regulation Section
East Annex Building
1965 Lana Ave NE
Salem, OR 97314
Mailing Address:
Business Regulation
1905 Lana Ave NE
Salem, OR 97314
Phone: 503-945-5052 Business Licensing
Phone: 503-945-5281 Dealer Investigations
DMV Business Regulation can accept cash, debit/credit cards, and checks in the exact amount of the transaction.
8:00 AM to 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday, except for Thursdays 9 AM - 4:30 PM.​

DMV has moved the online DEALER NOTICES services to a new location. Go to to access all of DMV’s online services. 

If you have saved a link to the Dealer Notices location, please update the URL.
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