Make an informed choice about employment
People with disabilities should have an opportunity to make an informed choice about employment:
- Explore community jobs
- Connect with peers who are employed
- Plan for a career that meets their interests and skills
- Understand the impact of income on benefits
- Know first-hand the many benefits of working in the community
Everyone has something to contribute, and people are healthier, safer and happiest when they are engaged in meaningful work.
Family testimonials
Family involvement is important throughout the life of a family member with a disability. Families and guardians play a critical role in the success of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities finding and maintaining community integrated jobs.
Here are testimonials from Oregon parents and family members discussing the impact that community work has had on their family.
Self-advocacy means understanding your strengths and needs, identifying personal goals, and speaking up about your needs, desires and wishes.
Work is at the core of how most Americans spend their time. It helps a person access the full benefits of citizenship, including economic self-sufficiency, independence, personal growth and self-esteem. With the right support, employment is possible for all individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities who want to work.
Benefits of employment
Employment benefits include:
- A paycheck which provides more choices, control and independence
- Opportunities to maintain skills and learn new ones
- Opportunity to teach and learn from others
- Integration, relationships and social connections in the community
How to access services
If you are interested in community integrated employment, tell your Service Coordinator (SC) or Personal Agent (PA) you want a job. They will help you start planning for a successful career.
Oregon Self-Advocacy Coalition (OSAC) - OSAC is the voice of disability self-advocacy in Oregon. OSAC advocates for the equal rights of people with disabilities. OSAC develops programs to help further the advancement of people with disabilities.
Family and Community Together (FACT) - FACT is dedicated to empowering Oregon families experiencing disability by offering peer-delivered family support.
Concerns and obstacles
Individuals with I/DD and their families often have a lot of questions about how employment might work in their particular situation. Please view this video showing how employment supports can work for people with significant disabilities.
Complaints and grievances
Each agency has a well-developed complaints and grievances process to follow.