Approved: You may be hired for the position you applied for. Please note an approval doesn't guarantee employment or placement. Your contact at the place you applied should give you a clearance letter.
Approved with restrictions: You can only work with a specific client, work site or set of duties. You can appeal this decision in most cases. The Background Check Unit will mail a letter directly to you with details.
Denial: You can’t be hired or placed in the position you applied for because of your criminal or abuse history. We consider many factors when making this determination, including details about your history, the information you provide, and how circumstances have changed since your criminal or abuse history. If you already started working, you must be dismissed right away. You may be able to appeal this decision, but you can’t work in the position during the appeal. The Background Check Unit will mail a letter directly to you with details.
Ineligible: Under State law ORS 443.004, you can’t be hired for the position you applied for because of a specific conviction on your record. You can’t appeal this decision. There are also federal programs which might have mandatory exclusions. The Background Check Unit will mail a letter directly to you with details.
Case closed: You may get a notice that your case is closed if you don't complete the background check process or send us information that we requested. You can’t appeal this decision. If the position is still open, the local agency or office can submit a new background check application.