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Oregon Department of Agriculture Search Site

Cooperative Weed Management Areas

A cooperative weed management area (CWMA) is a partnership of federal, state, and local government agencies, tribes, individuals, and various interested groups that manage noxious weeds or invasive plants in a defined area.

Five characteristics of a CWMA

  • Defined geographical area distinguished by a common geography, weed problem, community, climate, political boundary, or land use
  • Involvement or representation of the majority of landowners and natural resource managers in the defined area
  • Steering committee
  • Commitment to cooperation
  • Comprehensive plan that addresses the management of prevention of one or more noxious weeds or invasive plants

CWMAs often function under the authority of a mutually developed memorandum of understanding or cooperative agreement and are governed by a steering committee. CWMA partners develop a comprehensive weed management plan for their area. Locally-driven CWMAs are especially effective at generating public interest in weed management and organizing community groups to support on-the-ground programs.

CWMAs in Oregon

Currently, there are 27 cooperative weed management areas (CWMAs) in Oregon, the first was formed in 1994. The structure in Oregon varies from small landowner groups focusing on a specific project to multi-agency organizations.

Oregon Cooperative Weed Management Association (ORCWMA)

The purpose of ORCWMA is to lessen the impact of invasive plant species and their threat to the economy, environment, and human health by working cooperatively to provide leadership, facilitate information development and exchange, and coordinate regional efforts. ORCWMA includes 27 cooperative weed management areas in Oregon that occupy 85% of the land base.

Priority programs

  • Public education
  • Monitoring and mapping
  • Weed prevention
  • Cost-share funding for weed control
  • Partnerships between agencies and the community
  • Weed control and restoration (manual, biological, and chemical methods)

Board of Directors

  • Northeast Region: Brian Clapp, Wallowa Resources
  • Northwest Region: Vern Holm, Western Invasives Network
  • Southwest Region: Crissy Morgan (Secretary), Douglas County CWMA
  • Southeast Region: Jason Jaeger, Lake County CWMA
  • Central Region: Sarah Callaghan, USFS