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Oregon Department of Agriculture Search Site

Salmonella Isolation (FDA Method)


Culture and isolation of salmonella using FDA standards. NPIP approved and FDA approved method. Also for any salmonella positive or reactor confirmation.




Drag swab, boot swab, fluff, or cloacal swab

Turnaround Time

7-10 businessdays

Specimen Requirements andCollection Protocol

Gauze pad with non-fat milk environmental sample, fluff collection into sterile pouch or cloacal swab to be received within 48 hours of collection.

Shipping Requirements

On ice - do not freeze - recommend ship overnight

Submission Form

Commercial poultry submission form

Commercial poultry continuation form

Additional Information

Lab will contact submitter with all positive results and available follow up testing. Isolates sent to National Veterinary Services Laboratory (NSVL) for serotyping and identification. Isolate identification may increase turnaround time up to 4 to 6 weeks after isolation.

If FDA isolate is confirmed—S. enteritidis egg testing is available through the lab using a rapid FDA approved PCR at $45.00 per pool. Turnaround time is 5-7 business days.

If you find a sick or dead bird, don't touch it, report it!

For domestic birds:

Oregon State Veterinarian
Phone: 503-986-4711
Alt Phone: 1-800-347-7028

For wild birds:

Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
Phone: 1-866-968-2600