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Oregon Department of Agriculture Search Site

Tractor Training

The Oregon Department of Agriculture does not provide tractor training courses. The following information is offered as a resource.

Youth tractor training programs

Farmers and ranchers who employ minors under 18 years of age must hire people who have completed and passed tractor safety training.

Please visit the OSU Extension's tractor training website for information on upcoming youth tractor training opportunities.

Adult tractor safety and maintenance courses

The adult tractor safety and maintenance courses are designed to teach safety as it relates to driving, using farm equipment, and implements. The course offers classroom and hands-on experience.

ODA does not know of any adult tractor safety and maintenances courses being offered at this time.

Tractor training certification

If you cannot find your tractor training certification documentation, you must contact your tractor training instructor. ODA does not provide tractor training courses and does not keep records of trainings nor copies of certifications.
