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Oregon Department of Agriculture Search Site

Repair Tags

My inspector left either a blue "REPAIR" tag or a red "STOP USE" tag on my scale or meter during my last inspection.


What does this mean for me?

The following needs to happen to close the tag;

  • Correct the compliance issue identified on the tag, and
  • Notify Oregon Weights and Measures that the issue has been corrected.

Some issues may be corrected by you, others may require the help of a competent service firm to make the proper repairs. Once you have corrected the issue AND notified Oregon Weights and Measures you may resume normal use of your equipment. Your inspector will initiate a follow-up inspection if one is necessary.

What do I need to do to correct this?

You will find information regarding the compliance issue on either the repair tag itself or the associated inspection report. A brief statement explaining the compliance issue to be addressed is included on both documents and it is your responsibility to either correct the issue yourself or arrange for appropriate servicing. Possible corrective actions can be summarized as repair, recalibration, replacement, or removal from service.

Corrective Actions may include:

  1. Basic preventative maintenance such as cleaning and lubricating to free the live elements,
  2. Fixing labeling issues,
  3. Fixing malfunctioning equipment (burned out displays, leaking hoses, damaged cables),
  4. Repositioning equipment to allow customers to see the display,
  5. Recalibration of equipment,
  6. Replacing missing security seals,
  7. Removal from service,
  8. Replacement,
  9. etc.

Can I take the equipment out of service?

You may remove the equipment from service as a means to address the compliance issue if corrective actions are not feasible.

NOTE: In order to remove equipment from service action must be taken to meaningfully discourage the continued use of the equipment such as;

  • Physically removing it from the work area, or
  • Disconnecting from power (i.e. disconnecting power wires, sealing a breaker switch, or using zip ties to secure the plug), or
  • Clearly marking or securing the equipment so as to effectively discourage unauthorized commercial use.

When equipment is removed from service then the associated license will be deleted. To return the equipment to service you will need to provide a placed-in-service form and relicense the device (re-activation of the license is possible if repairs occur within the same license period).

You must still return the tag or provide written notification to Oregon Weights and Measures when removing tagged equipment from service so that the tags can be properly cleared.

Can I continue to use my device?

  • REPAIR (blue tags) - If the tag issued is a blue repair tag then yes you may continue to use it, but only for a limited time. A repair tag allows you to continue to use your equipment commercially for the specified time frame (generally 10 to 30 days) while you arrange for service. This information is found on your repair tag and the associated inspection report.

    NOTE: If you need additional time to correct the issue then contact your inspector for an extension.

  • STOP USE (red tags) - If the tag is a red stop use tag then the equipment may not be used until repairs are made.

    NOTE: If you are unable to make timely corrections for a stop use tag then you may notify Oregon Weights and Measures that you will remove the equipment from service pending repairs. If you opt to do this then a placed in service report will be required when the equipment is repaired and returned to commercial service.

Can I remove the repair/stop use tag?

The physical tag may not be removed until the compliance issue identified is fixed. Once the issue has been corrected you or your service agent may remove the repair tag, complete it and return it to Oregon Weights and Measures.

Upon removal of the tag you must notify Oregon Weights and Measures in writing stating what actions were taken to correct the issue and when they were completed. To do this you will normally complete the back side of the tag and mail it to:

Oregon Department of Agriculture
ATTN: Weights and Measures
635 Capitol Street NE
Salem, OR 97304

Alternatively you may scan both sides of the tag and email the information to “". Make sure the repair tag number(s) is(are) legible when returning the repair tag(s).

NOTE: Notification MUST be made even if the final action is to replace the equipment or remove it from service.

What happens next?

In most cases you may resume normal use of your equipment once the compliance issue is addressed (e.g. recalibration) and notification is made to Oregon Weights and Measures by returning the tag.

You do not need to wait for a re-inspection or retest of the equipment. Your inspector will be notified that your repair tag was cleared and will initiate the re-inspection if one is necessary.

What if . . . ?

  • If you are unable to compete repairs within the time allotted you may contact your inspector to request an extension to the repair order. Your inspector's contact information is included on your inspection report.
  • If you are uncertain as to the compliance issue or how best to address it then you may contact your inspector for details. Your inspector's contact information is included on your inspection report.
  • If your repair/stop use tag was lost or damaged then you may:
    • complete a placed-in-service report with a brief statement explaining what was done to resolve each issue identified on the report. Be sure to include the tag numbers on the placed-in-service report to make sure that all tags are properly cleared. Tag numbers may be found on the inspection report.
  • If you need a copy of your recent inspection report you may contact our main office by:
    • email request to “"; be sure to include
      • your license number,
      • business name and address as it appears on your license,
      • your contact information in the email message.
      • State clearly that you need a copy of your current inspection report(s), or

    • by calling the main office at 503-986-4670 (be sure to have your license number ready when calling to expedite the process).
  • If you are unsure as to how to contact your inspector
    • you may request this information via email to In the message include your license number and business location address and clearly state that you need your inspector's contact information, or
    • you may contact our main office at 503-986-4670. Be sure to have your license number and location address ready to expedite the process.
  • If you fail to correct the issue, fail to notify Oregon Weights and Measures of the resolution, or fail to request an extension within the allowed time then you will receive follow-up official letters reminding you of the unresolved compliance issues. These letters will are the 10 day delinquent (D10) letter and the on-notice letter. Each will reference your license number, the repair tag number(s), and the location address.

    NOTE: Notification must be made even if the action taken is to remove the equipment from commercial service in order to avoid receiving these letters.

What is my license number?

This information may be found on your Oregon Department of Agriculture license form 1014 issued by the Oregon Department of Agriculture. All license numbers begin with “AG-L" followed by a 7 digit license number and a license type code (e.g. AG-L0000000A).

Weights and Measures License Type Codes

(Common uses listed in parenthesis)

Scales - General

  • A-Scales 0-400 lbs capacity (benchtop / retail sales)
  • B-Scales 401-1,160 lbs capacity
  • Scales - Large Capacity (Includes industrial floor/shipping scales, fork lift, livestock, and vehicle scales)

    C-Scales 1,161-7,500 lbs capacity (floor scales)

    D-Scales 7,501-60,000 lbs capacity (vehicle / livestock scales)

    E-Scales over 60,000 lbs capacity (vehicle scales)

    Meters - Includes fuel dispensers, vehicle tank meters, and high flow fuel racks

    F-Meter under 20 gpm (normally motor fuel dispensers)

    G-Meter 20-150 gpm (high flow diesel dispensers, vehicle tank meters)

    H-Meter over 150 gpm (high flow rack meters)

    Meters - Includes all propane meters

    M-Meter LPG 1" Diameter or under (bottle fill)

    N-Meter LPG over 1" Diameter (vehicle tank meter)

    Meters - Propane vapor meters

    O-Meter Vapor 1" Dia or under

    P-Meter Vapor over 1" Diameter

    Scales - Includes all railroad track scales

    Q-Railroad Track Weigh-in-motion

    R-Railroad Track Static Weighing

    Scales - Continuous Weighing Systems (e.g. belt scales, mass flow meters, automatic bulk weighing systems, automated hopper weigh and dump systems, etc.)

    W-Continuous Weighing under 10 t/hr

    X-Continuous Weighing 10-150 t/hr

    Y-Continuous Weighing 151-1000 t/hr

    Z-Continuous Weighing over 1000 t/hr