Except for renewal of an initial license, Licensed Tax Consultants or Licensed Tax Preparers are required to complete at least 30 hours of acceptable continuing education since their last renewal date.
Each license shall attest on the renewal to have completed within the 30 continuing education requirement a minimum of two (2) hours of acceptable continuing education in professional conduct and ethics since the last renewal date.
Only the first year renewal will have the continuing education requirement waived. If you are a Preparer and have upgraded to a Consultant you will owe continuing education on your first renewal as a Consulant because your first renewal counted when you became a Preparer.
As per OAR 800-015-0010 continuing education credit will be accepted only for courses and seminars that comply with all Board rules regarding continuing education.
Seminars, live-group and webinar continuing education courses are acceptable and do not require Board approval if the content directly relates to the expertise of the individual in the preparation of income tax returns as per OAR 800-015-0020. It is up to each licensee to choose appropriate seminars.
Any courseses approved by the following are approved for continuing education for the board.
National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) -
Sponsors - NASBA RegistryCourses are accepted for Oregon continuing education credit only if they directly contribute to the expertise of the practitioner in the preparation of income tax returns per OAR 800-015-0020.
Oregon Administrative Rule 800-015-0010 requires that self-study and online correspondence courses be pre-approved by the Board ONLY if the course has not already been approved by the IRS, CTEC or NASBA.