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Medical Malpractice Reports

Malpractice claim information is compiled by the Board of Optometry from claim reports it receives from primary insurers; public bodies are required to defend, hold harmless, and indemnify an officer, employee, or agent of the public; a self-insured entity; or a health maintenance organization. Claim reporting and disclosure requirements are governed by ORS 742.400. 

The settlement of a medical malpractice claim may occur for a variety of reasons that do not necessarily reflect negatively on the professional competence or conduct of the provider. Therefore, there may be no disciplinary action appearing for a licensee, even though there is a closed malpractice claim on file. A payment in the settlement of a medical malpractice action does not create a presumption that medical malpractice occurred. This database represents information from reporters to date. Please note: Not all reporters may have submitted claim information to the Board. 

Reports have been submitted to the Board regarding Medical Malpractice payments that have been made for the following licensed optometrists. Additional information regarding these reports may be obtained by contacting the office of the Board.

​Page Updated: December 6, 2022

Daniel Bishop​ - 10/4/2017

Nancy Buset, OD - 4/16/2012

Weon Jun, OD​ - 8/30/2011​

Brad Smith, OD​ - 6/12/2013​