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COVID-19 Information

Executive Director Messages / Board Guidance


Oregon Health Authority / COVID-19 Updates


OHA guidance on elective / non-urgentprocedures


Emergency Licensure by State


Other Resources

COVID-19 Vaccine Locations

As I am sure you are all aware, on March 19, 2020, Governor Brown issued Executive Order No. 20-10 which cancels, effective March 23, 2020, all elective and non-urgent healthcare procedures that require personal protective equipment (PPE). On March 23, 2020, Governor Brown issued Executive Order 20-12, directing everyone in Oregon to stay at home to the maximum extent possible and adding to the list of businesses that will be temporarily closed to stem the spread of COVID-19 in Oregon. OHA issued the following guidelines to aide you in implementing the Order in your practice.


The order is effective immediately, and remains in effect until ended by the Governor.


The Board has heard from many of you asking us for guidance on how to navigate these orders. Simply put, you want to know, what do these orders mean for you and your practice? I appreciate your patience as we attempt to respond to your individual inquiries, in the meantime, as of March 24, 2020, here are some answers / guidance:


1) The Board and I can only advise licensees and the public on the application of Oregon Revised Statutes and Oregon Administrative Rules.  We cannot provide you legal advice, or advise on insurance matters.  


2) The Governor’s Office is not mandating clinic or practice closure at this time. Every licensee must use their own clinical and professional judgment as to whether you are complying with best practices for limiting the spread of COVID-19. Please read the Executive Orders carefully.


3) Naturopathic clinics and medical offices are considered within the health care and medical exemption of businesses allowed to operate within closed indoor and outdoor malls.


4) Licensees must abide by the restrictions and guidelines indicated by this and other Executive Orders and those from the Oregon Health Authority.


5) Licensed Naturopathic Physicians are permitted to engage in Telemedicine in the State of Oregon.  Please see the Telemedicine Guidelines posted on our website.


6) Naturopathic Physicians licensed in the State of Oregon do not have to establish care through an in-person appointment prior to engaging in telemedicine. Oregon licensees may engage in telemedicine with a new patient that they have not previously seen in person.


7) Oregon licensees may only treat patients who are physically in the State of Oregon at the time of treatment through telemedicine.  Oregon statutes and rules only regulate the practice of naturopathic medicine in the State of Oregon.  


8) If you want to treat a patient not physically located in Oregon,

you must comply with the regulations in the state your patient is physically located at the time of treatment.

9) The same standard of care and charting requirements apply when engaging in telemedicine.  Please see the Boards Telemedicine Guidelines posted on our website. 


10) During a state of emergency, the Oregon Board of Naturopathic Medicine allows naturopathic physicians licensed in another state to provide medical care in Oregon under special provisions. Out-of-state licenses who wish to provide care in Oregon during this time must complete this authorization applicationSee OAR 850-030-0055 for more information. 


11) Oregon health officials and hospitals announced a joint statewide action plan to dramatically bolster the state’s ability to treat people with COVID-19 illness who need care.  To aid in achieving that goal, the Board of Naturopathic Medicine is waiving restoration fees and continuing education requirements for Oregon Inactive Licensees who wish to obtain an active license for the duration of the State of Emergency.If you wish to reactivate your license, please fill out the SOE Reactivation Form and email it to the Board.


Per Governor Kate Brown’s Executive Order 20-12, the Oregon Board of Naturopathic Medicine is closed to the public.  Board staff will primarily work remotely for the duration of the order, therefore, email is the most efficient mode of communication at this time.  We appreciate your patience.