Jurisprudence Exam Application Information:
The Oregon Jurisprudence examination is held four times a
year, February, May, August and November. The next exam
date is Monday May 5, 2025. Exams are distributed and collected
via email, the exam is open book, and must be completed within 90 minutes.
Examinations are held from approximately 10am-11:30am pacific time.
Mandatory Licensure Requirements: Initial licensure applicants / Applicants for licensure by Reciprocity must submit:
- Oregon jurisprudence exam application and payment through the self-service portal
- Passage of the Oregon jurisprudence exam
- Official ND school transcript
- Official NPLEX results from NABNE for the following exams (NO EXCEPTIONS)
- Part I – Biomedical Science Examination
- Part II – Clinical Science Examination
- Clinical Elective Examination Minor Surgery
- Clinical Elective Examination Pharmacology
- Fingerprint/background report (see link below for livescan/fieldprint)
- Official license verification if you are or have been licensed in another state.
After all documents have been received you may become licensed in Oregon.
Jurisprudence Examination Requirements: 850-030-0010
Jurisprudence exam application
Exam Fee $200
Official Naturopathic School Transcripts - sent electronically to: naturopathic.medicine@obnm.oregon.gov
Exam Study Materials: https://www.oregon.gov/obnm/Pages/Statutes-and-Rules.aspx
Rules for Initial License Application and License by Reciprocity Information/Requirements:
Initial License: 850-030-0020
License by Reciprocity: 850-030-0070
Licensure fees: 850-030-0035
Licensure Application
$50 Background / Live scan fee submitted directly to OBNM when you have the live scan sent to the Oregon State Police (OSP). DO NOT have your fingerprints taken until you are ready to apply for licensure/after the jurisprudence exam. Here is the fingerprint code for Fieldprint Live Scan: FPORBdNaturopathicMedDAS