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Continuing Education

  • Active License: Thirty-two (32) [total] continuing education (CE) hours are annually required to maintain an active license to practice Naturopathic Medicine as follows:

    • Twenty (20) hours of general education that promotes competency and skills necessary to maintain the highest standard of naturopathic medical care, including a minimum of the following mandatory continuing education.
      • Pain management education as required by ORS 413.590 as follows:
        • Naturopathic physicians who receive their initial license in 2022, must complete and report one credit hour of pain management education during the 2022 annual renewal cycle.
        • One (1) credit hour of pain management every odd number calendar year
      • One (1) hour of cultural competency education as required by ORS 676.850 every even number calendar year.
    • Two (2) hours of medical ethics or suicide intervention and prevention.
    • Ten (10) hours of pharmacology.
Licensees must submit all supporting documentation for CE for annual renewal. Don't wait until Dec 31, start downloading today through the self-service portal.  Here is  your handy how to helper:  How To Guide on CE Submission: by Vice Chair—Dr. Tracy Erfling

List of Board Pre-Approved Continuing Education Programs and Courses (do not need board review/approval):  


Approved CE - List will be updated on a regular basis

Apply for Continuing Education Credit / Please email the CE application along with the required documentation:

Oregon Licensee ND Application for CE Credit

Provider application for One-Time Event / Program

For clarity, the Board has split the three distinct categories of continuing education approval into three (3) rules:

850-040-0210 Active and Inactive Licensee Annual Mandatory Continuing Education Requirements, Continuing Education Criteria per Subject Area

  • What has NOT changed from the current rule?
    • 32 hours of CE is required annually, with the same annual  requirements for 10 hours of pharmacy and 3 hours of other mandated education. 
  • What is different from the current rule?
    • More specific criteria for Board approval of continuing education per required subject area.
    • The Board is allowing up to two credit hours annually for professional development -which includes, but not limited to: physical and mental wellness, enhancing practice management skills and resiliency, best practices in the digital clinical environment and incorporating telemedicine. [See section (3)(f)]

850-040-0215 Program Provider Applications for Board Approval of Continuing Education Programs

  • What has NOT changed from the current rule?
    • Oregon active licensees who provide live programs, with either in-person or with synchronous remote attendance of Oregon licensees, may submit to the Board an application for approval for continuing education credit prior to the date of the program.
  • AANP and OANP may submit to the Board an application for approval for continuing education credit for live programs they hold, attended by Oregon licensees either in-person or by synchronous remote participants, prior to the date of the program.
  • Program providers without an active Oregon license, who provide live programs in the State of Oregon, with either in-person or with synchronous remote attendance of Oregon licensees, may submit to the Board an application for approval for continuing education credit prior to the date of the program
  • Board pre-approved continuing education programs and courses [See Section (2)(a)]. Licensees who complete one of the specific programs listed, may submit a certificate of completion for CE credit, no application for Board approval or additional documentation required.
  • What has changed from the current rule?
    • The rule number – program approval instructions were in 0210.
    • The Board will only accept program provider applications for live programs, the Board will not accept program provider approval applications for webinars or other non-live programming.
    • The Board will accept applications for program approval for live programs held outside of the State of Oregon only from Oregon active licensees, AANP and OANP.
  • The Board added several pre-approved continuing education programs and courses including, but not limited to:
    • American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (AANP) - Annual Convention
    • Oregon Association of Naturopathic Physicians (OANP) - Annual and Quarterly Conferences

850-040-0230 Licensee Applications for Board Approval of Continuing Education Programs Attended and Self-Directed Activities

  • What has NOT changed from the current rule?
    • Licensees may apply to the Board for continuing education credit for any naturopathic continuing education program, event, course, webinar they complete.
    • Licensees may apply to the Board for continuing education credit for completed self-directed activities.
  • What has changed?
    • Licensees must submit their application for continuing education approval for programs/webinars and self-directed activities no more than 30 days after the completion of the program or activity.
    • Licensees may not apply for continuing education credit for programs / activities after they satisfy the annually required hours of continuing education for their licensure status.
    • Licensees may only annually submit a maximum of ten (10) credit hours toward their annual renewal requirement from the listed self-directed education activities.
ADOPT 850-040-0240 One-time Continuing Education Required Prior to Administering Injection and IV Therapy, and Provider Requirements.
ADOPT 850-040-0250  One-time Continuing Education Required Prior to Administering or Supervising the Adminstration of IV and Injectable Ketamine
REPEAL 850-060-0210 - One-time Continuing Education Required Prior to Administering or Supervising the Adminstration of IV and Injectable Ketamine - Moved to Division 40
REPEAL 850-060-0212 - One-time Continuing Education Required Prior to Administering Injection and IV Therapy, and Provider Requirements - Moved to Division 40