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Notice of Proposed Rules for Public Comment

Based on your public comment the Board made changes to the continuing education draft rules posted in January 2024.  Please review the following amended drafts that clarify and condense the rules regarding continuing education.

The public comment period ends June 21 at 1pm.  Please read the draft rules in their entirety and email your comments to

The Board will discuss the draft rules, and comments received up to the date of the public board meeting at / about 1pm on June 10.  The Board will review all comments received before finalizing the rules at the August 12 public Board meeting. 

Meeting details are posted on the Board website approximately one week prior to the meeting.

Amend 850-040-0210 - Annual CE for Licensure Renewal  Programs Accepted Criteria for Program Approval and Compliance 05.2024

Amend 850-040-0230 -  Licensee Self-Directed Education  Structured Programs and Activities Eligible for Continuing Education Credit 05.2024

One-time continuing education required prior to administering Injection and IV Therapy, and provider requirements

One-time continuing education required prior to administering or supervising the administration of IV and Injectable Ketamine