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Become a Supervisor

Supervisor Registry

The registry is a list of Oregon licensed professional counselors (LPCs) and licensed marriage and family therapists (LMFTs) who are available to provide supervision services to registered associates. 

  • The Supervisor Registry is integrated into the License Search function.  To search for supervisors, you can check the box to "only show results with supervisors." The online profile lists the supervisor's supervisory status and languages spoken.
  • Apply for placement on the Registry via the Licensee Portal.  Once logged in, click on "Supervisor Registry Application" from the left side menu.

Supervisor Qualifications

A supervisor must be competent in the clinical specialty areas in which the registered associate will be practicing and with the populations with whom the registered associate will be providing professional counseling or marriage and family therapy services.  A supervisor may not be a spouse or relative, have a close personal relationship, or be a former therapist of the supervisee.  The Board may approve supervisors on the Registry (candidates and approved supervisors) or other qualifying supervisors who meet the criteria below.

Placement on Supervisor Registry

*Important: Licensees who supervise registered associates, including all licensees on the Supervisor Registry, must complete at least three clock hours of supervision-related training within each continuing education reporting period.

Step 1: Become a Supervisor Candidate

(1) Hold an active Oregon license as a professional counselor or as a marriage and family therapist;

(2) Complete 30 clock hours of post-master’s degree supervision training;

(3) Successfully pass the Board’s law and rules exam; and

(4) For supervisors of marriage and family therapist associates only: supervision training that includes systems components.

Step 2: Become an Approved Supervisor
In addition to meeting the requirements to become a Supervisor Candidate (Step 1, above):
(1) Hold an active Oregon license as a professional counselor or marriage and family therapist, and:

(2) Have been actively licensed by the Board for at least 2 years; or

(3) Be an Approved Supervisor through the AAMFT or the NBCC Center for Credentialing and Education.

(4) To qualify as an Approved Supervisor for purposes of placement on the Supervisor Registry, in addition to the requirements of section 1-3 above, the licensee must:

(a) Document at least 6 hours of post-licensure supervision of licensee’s clinical supervision by a Board Approved Supervisor. The licensee may have up to two Approved Supervisors, and both Approved Supervisors must complete an evaluation. Approved supervision may include one on one or group supervision of not more than 6 supervisees; and

(b) Document a minimum of 100 hours of post-licensure experience supervising registered associates or student interns from Board-Approved Oregon graduate programs.

Supervisors Not on the Registry

Other mental health professionals- including LPCs and LMFTs who are not on the registry*, LCSWs, and psychologists and psychiatrists may serve as supervisors of registered associates if they meet the requirements of OAR 833-130-0070.  Completion of the supervision training is documented via the Registered Associate Supervised Clinical Experience Plan form that is submitted as part of the registered associate's application materials. The exam (link below) must be submitted along with this form.

* LPCs and LMFTs not on the registry may substitute the requisite 3 years of licensure with AAMFT or NBCC Center for Credentialing per OAR 833-130-0050(1)(b)(B). The requisite 3 years of licensure is cumulative and does not need to be consecutive. 

Forms, Documents, & Resources