Online Verifications
- Licensed Professional Counselors (LPCs)
- Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists (LMFTs)
- Registered Associates
- Professional Counselor Associates
- Marriage and Family Therapist Associates
Official License Verification
The cost for an official verification of licensure for an applicant or licensee (usually to be sent to another licensing or certifying agency) is $10.
To make a request, please include:
- The date of the request;
- Contact information for the person requesting the verification;
- The name and address you would like the verification sent to (if different);
- The name of the licensee for which you are requesting verification.
- A check made payable to OBLPCT for $10.
Send requests to:
3218 Pringle Road SE, Suite 120
Salem, OR 97302
The standard verification is on official agency letterhead and includes name, initial licensure date and current expiration date, license number, type, and status, and whether there is a National Practitioner Databank (NPDB) reportable board action.
Licensees: You must request a verification through the Licensee Portal.
Login and select the "Document Request" menu option to submit your order for a "License Verification." Be sure to enter the correct recipient information for where you need the verification sent. If your you need a specific form to be completed (some states require their specific form be used), you will need to upload that form along with your request. If you do not upload a form, the standard verification letter will be sent.
List Requests
To request a list of licensees/registered associates/applicants:
You may specify on the form the type of information you wish to receive.
Request for Transfer of File
The cost for a transfer of application or license information is $20. To request information from your OBLPCT application or licensure file, please use this form:
You may specify delivery to yourself or another party (for example, another state licensing board) and in paper or PDF format.
Current and former Associates and Licensees: You must request a file transfer through the Licensee Portal.
Login and select the "Document Request" menu option to submit your order for a "License/Application File Transfer." Be sure to enter the correct recipient information for where you need the file sent. You will need to upload a completed and signed
Transfer of Application/License Information Request Form along with your request.
General Public Records Request
Requests must include:
- The date of the request;
- The name and address of the person requesting the public record;
- The telephone number or other contact information for the person requesting the public record; and
- A sufficiently detailed description of the record(s) requested to allow OBLPCT to search for and identify responsive records. Please also specify the preferred format and delivery method.
Fee: -
Student loan deferment letter. $5. (Licensees may request a letter through the Licensee Portal)
Copies of records. $.25 per page.
Audio recording of a public meeting (CD). $15.
Send requests by mail, fax, or email to: OBLPCT
3218 Pringle Road SE, Suite 120
Salem, OR 97302 Fax: 503-470-6266
Method of PaymentCheck or money order, made payable to "BLPCT." Card payments can only be made for documents available in the Portal. Cards, cash, and e-payments are not accepted.