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Who & What is the OBCE?


The OBCE is made up of seven board members. Five of the members are Oregon licensed chiropractic physicians, and two are public members. The Board is supported by six staff - the Executive Director, two Administrative Assistants, two Investigators and an Office Specialist.


The mission of the OBCE is to protect the public by regulating the practice of chiropractic.


The OBCE's program areas cover Public Protection, Professional Competency, Professional Standards & Administrative Rules, Liaison/Communication, and Diversity. 

Key Performance Measures

  1. Average number of days to resolve a complaint. 
  2. Percent of sexual misconduct/boundary complaints resolved in 180 days. 
  3. The Percentage of new complaints that are assessed, investigated, and presented to the board for an initial decisionwithin 120 days. 
  4. Percentage of chiropractic physicians meeting the annual continuing education requirements.
  5. The Percentage of licenses issued within 5 days once all application components (that are the responsibility of the applicant) have been received.
  6. Customer Service - Percent of customers rating their satisfaction with the agency's customer service as "good" or "excellent": overall customer service, timeliness, accuracy, helpfulness, expertise, and availability of information.
  7. Board Best Practices - Percent of total best practices met by the Board.
  8. Days between complaint receipt and investigation preparation for Board - Percent of cases having investigative reports written within 120 days from when a complaint is received to when the investigation is prepared for Board review/action.
  9. Days between investigation preparation and presentation to the Board - Percent of cases, with a prepared investigation that is ready for Board review/action, that are presented to the Board within 30 days of completion.
  10. Days between Board review/initial action and case closure - Percent of cases closed within 90 days of Board review/initial action.
Full OBCE Key Performance Measures Report (Oct 2019)

Affirmative Action Policy Statement

The Board of Chiropractic Examiners is committed to achieving a work force that represents the diversity of Oregon’s population and to providing fair and equal employment opportunities. The Board is committed to an affirmative action program that provides equal opportunities for all persons regardless of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, marital status, age or disability. The Board provides an environment for each applicant and employee that is free from sexual harassment, as well as harassment and intimidation on account of an individual’s race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, age, marital status or disability. The Board employment practices are consistent with the State’s Affirmative Action Plan Guidelines and with state and federal laws, which preclude discrimination. View our full 2019-21 Affirmative Action Plan