Oregon Chiropractic Scope of Practice
In Oregon, the practice of chiropractic (scope) is defined in the Oregon Revised Statute ORS 684.010(2); it states,
Chiropractic is defined as:
That system of adjusting with the hands the articulations of the bony framework of the human body, and the employment and practice of physiotherapy, electrotherapy, hydrotherapy and minor surgery.
The chiropractic diagnosis, treatment and prevention of body dysfunction; correction, maintenance of the structural and functional integrity of the neuro-musculoskeletal system and the effects thereof or interferences therewith by the utilization of all recognized and accepted chiropractic diagnostic procedures and the employment of all rational therapeutic measures as taught in approved chiropractic colleges.
Scope of practice resources
Scope of practice issues
- Question
What is the Board's stand on the use or distribution of hemp or marijuana-derived products in the chiropractic clinic?
- Answer
After much research, the Board drafted the policy below "More Info." Questions you may have after reading the policy should be directed to one of the organization referenced, or your attorney.
- More Info
- OBCE Hemp and Marijuana Derived Products Policy (02/2020)
- FAQ Other Link
- Question
Does the Board have any rules for or against pre-paid treatment plans?
- Answer
Yes. Please refer to administrative rule 811-015-0002.
- More Info
- Pre-Paid and Contracted Treatment Plans
- FAQ Other Link
- Question
As a DC do I need to take my patient's vitals at every visit?
- Answer
Refer to OAR 811-015-0005 Records for charting requirements. Also, the Board has developed record keeping templates for licensees (not mandatory, but to use as a practical tool in the practice); refer to the "FAQ Other Link" below for the templates.
- More Info
- OAR 811-015-0005 Records
- FAQ Other Link
- OBCE Chart Note Guide and Templates