Professional stamp
Every Registered Landscape Architect is required to obtain a professional stamp (seal), to know when the stamp must be used, and to be responsible for the custody and proper use of the stamp.
An individual newly registered with the Board will need to contact a brick-and-mortar stationary supply store or online store to order a professional stamp. The Board has set forth in rule the requirements for the design of the professional stamp. All stamps must be in the required design. Following is an example illustration (not necessarily to scale).

A Registered Landscape Architect may only stamp and sign plans and documents that he or she prepared or that were prepared by someone working under the direct supervision and responsible charge of the Registered Landscape Architect.
After stamping, the Registered Landscape Architect must sign across the stamp between the registration number and registrant name. The current registration expiration date must also be noted either near the signature or directly under the stamp.
Use of the stamp without signature is acceptable on preliminary plans, documents, or other drafts prepared for review but not for construction purposes.
A Registered Landscape Architect is not required to stamp and sign documents that: (a) do not contain landscape architecture work such as project checklists, cost estimates, construction schedules, payment verifications, general correspondence, or advertising, (b) reflect the installed, fabricated, constructed, or commissioned condition of a product as provided by another party (i.e., manufacturer cut sheets) and have not been modified, or (c) are informative pieces prepared for general information such as technical journal articles, conference papers, magazine articles, slide presentations, or brochures.
Professional Code of Conduct
Every Board registrant and applicant for registration needs to be familiar with the Board’s Code of Professional Conduct. The Code has been adopted by the Board in OAR Chapter 804 Division 50. This means that the Code has the force of law. The Code sets forth the responsibilities of Board registrants to the Board, the landscape architecture profession, and to their employers.