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​​​Contact: Work Share Program Specialists | Phone: 503-947-1800 option 4 | Toll Free: 800-436-6191
Address: Oregon Employment Department | PO Box 14518 | Salem, OR 97309 | Hours of Operation: 9:00 AM  - 4:00 PM ​

Helping employers strategize, not downsize

The Work Share program provides an alternative for employers and workers who may be facing a layoff situation. Work Share allows employers to reduce work hours for their employees by providing partial unemployment insurance benefits that supplement workers' reduced wages.

The Oregon Employment Department is partnering with marketing firm Applichat, Limited to promote the Work Share program across the state. Please support our efforts to understand employer awareness and utilization of Work Share, by participating in surveys or outreach opportunities. We look forward to working with Applichat to get the word out to more Oregon employers about the amazing benefits of Work Share!
Employers: we would like your feedback on Work Share, please take this short survey!

​Employers must apply for the program by completing an application and sending a work plan to the Oregon Employment Department. Employees cannot apply directly for Wo​rk Share. 

The employer must select three or more employees with reduced work hours to participate in the Work Share program. Employers must state that these work hours and wages will be cut by at least 10%, but no more than 50% per week, and confirm normal work week hours are 40 hours or less. 

  • ​Three or more employees to participate
  • ​Labor hours and wages​ are reduced 10-50%
  • Employees must b​e fully​ available and able to work​​


    Tuesdays - 10 a.m. 
    Employers, join us to learn about all the benefits of the Work Share program in this introductory webinar.​


    Thursdays - 2 p.m.​
    Employers, join us to learn how to complete your Work Share forms. We will be available to answer questions and share tips about navigating your Work Share Plan.​​​​

    ​For more information about the Work Share program, c​​all Work Share at 503-947-1800, option 4​​​

    ​​How-to​ Guides​



    • ​Coming soon!​​​




      ​​​​How-to Guides​





      ​Employer Benefits

      • Offers staffing options when times are tough
      • Provides a way to keep valued employees during slow times
      • Helps you avoid expensive re-training 
      • Rewards staff loyalty
      • Keeps your quality and efficiency high, even when times are slow
      • Enables you to be better prepared to ramp up when the market does
      • Provides confidential and discreet support for your business and your employees

      ​Employee Benefits

      • ​Helps avoid hardships usually associated with layoffs
      • Unemployment insurance benefits reduce the impact of lost wages
      • No job-hunting requirements as with traditional unemployment insurance claims
      • Benefits stay intact, despite not being employed full-time
      • Reduction in hours, while they need to be available to work for their employer at all times, gives schedule flexibility


      • With 3 or more employees
      • Employees eligible for UI benefits
      • If employee isn't available to employer…
        eligibility will be reviewed
        • This may result in a delay or denial of payment​


      • Hours reduced at least 10% and not more than 50%​
      • Fully available for work
      • Not a seasonal worker​​

      • ​​​​Your employer must apply for the program by sending in a written plan to the Oregon Employment Department. Employees can not apply for Work Share. ​

      • The employer must select three or more employees with reduced work hours to participate in a Work Share program. Your employer must state that your work hours and wages will be cut by at least 10%, but no more than 50% per week, and that your normal work week is 40 hours or less.  ​

      • More resources coming soon!

      Helping Employers Strategize, Not Downsize​​

      T​​he Work Share program has helped thousands of Oregon businesses avoid layoffs, and retain their skilled workers during a temporary decline in business.   

      Check out what Oregon employers are saying about their experience participating in the Work Share program. 

      ​Here's What Oregon Employers Are Saying About Work Share:

      “Work share is innovating constantly:
      ​   • Web Portal
      ​   • Communication
         • Ease of use, application, weekly claims, inquiries

      Communication is great, speedy response. They tell me when claimsare expiring for the month”

      ​-Damian Huitron Camacho, Tree Top

      ​​“We started using Work Share program in 2015. Over the past 7 yrs the website has greatly improved, it is user friendly, communication is now quite easy. The Work Share employees are friendly, extremely helpful, never rush you and will make sure your questions and concerns are answered.” 

      -Bonnie Keplar, Pendleton Wool

      ​​​“In 2019 one of our surgeons couldn’t operate at the hospital. We thought we were going to have to lay off multiple employees but we came across the Oregon Work Share program. It saved our employees losing their jobs! The program is very easy and has gotten even easier through the years. They have improved their process & communication by making it online, which I love. I recommend Oregon Work Share to any company that is having financial hardships!“ 

      -Chelsea Brown, Oregon Weight Loss

      ​​​“Marsee Foods has been impressed with this program from the start. We enrolled because of the slowdown caused by the lockdowns. This is a great program should there be slowdowns in your business that don’t necessitate fully laying off people but reducing their hours. It is easy from both the business side and the employee side to administer, we very much appreciate having this as an option.  The Work Share staff is amazing! They are so helpful with the normal weekly claims and with questions that come up. They have gone above and beyond when I have asked for clarifications on things. I can’t say enough to praise the team for all of the hard work they do!” 

      -Lisa Keeling, Marsee Baking​​

      ​“We have used the Work Share program for several years. We normally have reduced hours during the winter months. We have lost numerous employees in the past due to the often complicated and frustrating process of filing for unemployment. Work Share has allowed us to stabilize our workforce. We understand how important it is to keep employees long term, so we don’t have to continually retrain. Work Share does take some additional administrative work, but it has been well worth it!”

      -Greg McLaughlin, McLaughlin Landscaping​

      ​What is the Work Share Program?

      Work Share (STC-Short Time Compensation) is a program that offers an alternative to laying off your work force.  It allows you to keep skilled employees during slow times by reducing work hours. Eligible staff whose hours and wages are reduced, receive a portion of their regular unemployment insurance benefits to compensate for the lost wages. 

      Laws Related to Work Share

      • 657.370 - Definitions for ORS 657.370 to 657.390
      • 657.375 - Plan applications; approval by director
      • 657.380 - Eligibility of employees; benefit limitation

      • 657.385 - Method of paying benefits; amount; disqualification; applicability of law to shared work plans; rules
      • 657.390 - Reimbursement to Unemployment Compensation Trust Fund of share work benefits paid; use of benefit charges 

      For additional law information go to: Oregon Revised ​Statutes (ORS)

      ​The full Administrative Rule and supporting documentation can be found at: Oregon Administrative Rules​.​