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About the E-Governance Board

About the E-Governance Board

The current Board Charter was approved by the Board in July 2024.  Since February 2024, the Board's Chair and Co-Chair are:


The Board's job is to promote consistency of content throughout the public website, an important connection between the agencies of state government and the public they serve.

Operating principles

Providing collaborative governance of the ongoing development, deployment, delivery and maintenance of and future shared web space.


  1. Develop goals, vision and values of
  2. Provide oversight of the public website
  3. Evaluate effectiveness, content, standards and policies
  4. Establish appropriate channels to govern a future statewide intranet
  5. Improve consistency by positioning as the “front door” to finding state information
  6. Provide leadership to other state agencies on best practices for communicating via the Web

Statewide enterprise view and perspective

Facilitate a user experience that will develop lasting “digital relationships" with residents and visitors of the state giving them what they need, making it easy to ask or find, and being concise and relevant. Arrange and present information in a way that will shorten the time spent online and increase the satisfaction of the experience.


  1. Make decisions about strategic direction of and shared Web structure.
  2. On an enterprise level, suggest global changes to taxonomy, structure look and feel, styling, etc.
  3. Develop and manage an editorial process for feature stories.
  4. Develop rules of engagement with the E-Government Program Portal Provider (technical team).
  5. Decide on and manage Key User Tasks (KUTs) and their content, including popularity boxes and most visited sites.
  6. Manage “virtual space” or Web pages or content not owned by any one agency.
  7. Organize cross-agency teams to share information about E-Government.
  8. Recommend new template additions or changes Develop and approve processes or procedures.
  9. Recommend Policies for approval Facilitate and resolve non-compliance issues.

Organizational structure

The E-Governance Board is sponsored by the E-Government Program and receives direction from the Enterprise Information Services. The board provides leadership to state agencies and provides advice and priority to the Oregon E-Government Program regarding and the shared Web structure.

The E-Governance Board does not get involved in technology decisions; however, it recommends business needs for the enterprise.

Decision process

Decisions, appropriate to the jurisdiction of the E-governance Board will be reached by consensus (or vote) of members present. Consensus is defined as achievement of full support for a decision after a complete airing of different viewpoints. Consensus is achieved through discussion.

Any initiatives up for vote will be noticed on the meeting agenda. Voting results will be documented in the meeting minutes.

Board membership

  • E-Goverance Board meetings are open for anyone to attend.
  • Board membership is extended to all state agencies using the state's content management system with Tyler Oregon.
  • One voting Board representative per agency.
  • Robert's Rules of Order are initiated on any noticed items for Board vote. Board members must be present to have their vote counted.