Map Viewer Help
Read this page if you have trouble navigating or understanding the map interface.
Map Components
Scale Bar
Base Map Options
Tool Bar Options
Map Components
The components and functionality of the DOGAMI Hazards and Assets Viewer for Mount Hood are explained individually below.
Tool bar options:
When a toolbar option is selected, a horizontal bar appears beneath the tool in the tool bar.
Layers - Hide/Show Data Layers
The window shows the data layers available for the map. The Layers window is open by default when you open the viewer. Checked boxes indicate that some layers in a group are turned on. The Volcano Hazards layer and the Terrain layer are turned on by default when you open the viewer. To expand a layer, click on the right-pointing arrow. All sublayers choices for a layer appear when the layer is expanded. To display a sublayer layer on the map be sure that both the sublayer AND its group layer are checked on.
Window functionality:
Move the window around on the page by clicking and holding down the cursor, then moving the mouse around to reposition the legend box.
Resize the window by positioning the cursor in the lower right corner of the legend box until the double-arrow cursor appears. Then hold down the cursor while dragging the mouse.
Close the window by clicking the "X" in the upper right corner of the box.
Minimize the window by clicking in the horizontal bar in the upper right of the box.
Collapse all layers by clicking on the double left-pointing arrow at the top of the window box. -
Expand all layers by clicking on the double down-pointing arrow at the top of the window box.
To learn more about the data in each layer, see
Hazards and Assets. Be sure to read the
Data layers are:
Assets-Critical Facilities and Primary Infrastructure
- Critical facility
- Building
- Dam
- Electrical tower
- Electrical transmission line
- Electrical substation
- Wastewater treatment plant
- Railroad bridge
- Airport
- Highway or arterial road bridge
- Railroad line
- Arterial road
Assets-Land Use/Zoning and Population
- Population density
- Generalized land use/zoning
- Volcano hazards
- Proximal hazard zones
- Lahar hazard zone (10-year)
- Lahar hazard zone (100-year)
- Lahar hazard zone (500- to 1,000-year)
- Lahar hazard zone (1,000- to 10,000-year)
- Lahar hazard zone (100,000-year)
Landslide Hazards
- Large, deep-seated landslide inventory
- Debris flow deposit inventory
- Steep slope hazard zone
Flood & Channel Migration Hazards
- Channel migration hazard zone (100-year)
- Flood hazard zone (25-year)
- Flood hazard zone (500-year)
Earthquake Hazards
- Historic earthquake epicenter (1896-2008)
- Fault hazard zones (1/4 mile buffer active faults)
- Liquefaction hazard zone
- Shaking hazard zone (500-year)
- DOGAMI Mt. Hood Lidar - 9-ft bare earth hillshade imagery. Where lidar data exist, semitransparent lidar data drape other base map layers. Turn off the lidar layer to see just other base map imagery; not all basemaps appear at all scales.
- Oregon 10-m DEM
- Oregon 10-m DEM
The Legend window shows the symbology for currently displayed layers on the map. The Legend window is open by default when you open the viewer.
PDF of full legend.
Window functionality:
Move the window around on the page by clicking and holding down the cursor, then moving the mouse around to reposition the legend box.
Resize the window by positioning the cursor in the lower right corner of the legend box until the double-arrow cursor appears. Then hold down the cursor while dragging the mouse.
Close the window by clicking the "X" in the upper right corner of the box.
Minimize the window by clicking in the horizontal bar in the upper right of the box.
Collapse all layers by clicking on the double left-pointing arrow at the top of the window box. -
Expand all layers by clicking on the double down-pointing arrow at the top of the window box.
To learn more about the data in the legend, see
Hazards and Assets. Be sure to read the
Scale Bar
The scale bar provides an approximate scale in miles for the map.
The latitude and longitude of the cursor's current position on the map are also shown.
Base Map Options
Tool Bar Options
Controls at the top of the map allow you to show/hide the map layers and legend, draw and measure on the map interface, find and zoom to an address, view the legend, print the current extent, and open the splash screen ("About" link).
Critical Facilities Search: Use this tool to locate/identify schools, hospitals, and fire and police stations in the study region. Click on a facility to view a PDF of the RVS (Rapid Visual Screening report) for that facility. RVS reports are are result of the
Statewide Seismic Needs Assessment Using Rapid Visual Screening (RVS) [Senate Bill 2 (2005)] conducted by DOGAMI.
There are two ways to find critical facilities -- by drawing around features
or by typing the Building ID attribute
. Building IDs can be found on the
Statewide Seismic Needs Assessment Using Rapid Visual Screening (RVS) site.
By drawing. Navigate to the area on the map you are interested in, then select a drawing tool. Use the tool to define a point, line, or area within which you want to search. For example, use the rectangle tool to draw, by clicking on a start location, then holding down the mouse as you draw a box. Release the mouse. Any critical facilities in the boxed area on the map will be listed in a popup window.
Hint: If the Assets-Critical Facilities layer is turned on, you can determine if the area you are interested in has any Critical Facilities before you search for facilities.
Drawing around features example:
You are interested in seeing the RVS reports for the schools shown below in the area outlined by the red circle:
Use the rectangle tool in the Search to draw a box around the schools:
The result are shown in the Search window. Click on the RVS Report button the right side of an item to access the RVS report PDF in a new browser window.
Example RVS report PDF
If you mouse over a search result on the map itself, a popup showing facility information and a link to the RVS report will appear. Click on the RVS link to access the RVS report.
Selecting by Building ID attribute example:
If you know the building ID (you can obtain this from the
Statewide Seismic Needs Assessment Using Rapid Visual Screening (RVS) site), you can type the name, then click on the Search button. The map will recenter to the facility and display a popup window that shows facility information and a link to the RVS report. Click on the RVS Report link to access the RVS report. You can also click on the "Zoom to" text to zoom in to 1:9,028 scale.
Find an address: Use this tool to zoom to a location by entering a
COMPLETE address, including city and "OR" or "Oregon" (select the mailbox icon) or geographic coordinates (select the pushpin icon). A red asterisk indicates a required field.
In the example below, the user has entered "3431 O'Dell Highway, Hood River" in the Address fields. The map recenters to that address and displays a popup at the address. The score indicates the "confidence" that the address is the one entered. Click on the "Zoom to" text to zoom to the 1:9,028 scale. Note that the horizontal bar on the popup window has moved to below the :Results" icon.
If the results show more than one possibility, the map recenters to the last found possible address; if you click on another address, the map will recenter on that address.
If the address is critical facility, you can click on the "Critical Facilities Search" icon in the tool bar options at the top of the page to display the critical facility information. Click on the RVS Report button at the right to open a PDF of the RVS (rapid visual screening) report for that facility in a new browser window.
Communities: Use this tool to zoom to specific communities. Click on a name to zoom to that area.
You can add your own bookmarks. Navigate and zoom to the extent you want, then click on the "Add Bookmark" icon. Type a name in the box, then click on the "Add Bookmark" button
. The name you typed will appear in the list. You can delete any bookmarks you create by clicking on the red X next to the name in the list.
EQ animation: 1970-present: Shows an hour-by-hour accumulation of mapped earthquakes for the study area and surrounding region from 1970 through January 31, 2010. The default shows the epicenters at the end of the time sequence. Click the single right-pointing arrow to start the animation at the beginning. Use the buttons on the right to move to the start and end of the animation. You can also select any time in the sequence by clicking on the black dot on the slider bar and moving it to the time you wish to stop at.
Circles represent earthquake magnitudes as shown on the map legend.
To see the epicenters, you may find it helpful to turn off all layers except the historic earthquake epicenter layer.
Print: Print the current extent of the map. Clicking the icon causes a popup box to appear. Optionally, enter a name and subtitle for your map view, then click the "Print " button to display a Print dialog box. Choose printer settings as you normally would for your printer setup but with "landscape" orientation.