Administration of DEQ Water Quality Permits
(last updated 05/05/2022)
The DOGAMI-MLRR Program acts as the "agent" for Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and
administers the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit #1200-A and Water Pollution
Control Facilities (WPCF) General Permit #1000 at sites that have a mining permit issued by DOGAMI.
Permit Application Forms
(DEQ site)
DEQ Fee Table (PDF on DEQ site)
General WPCF 1000
A WPCF 1000 permit is required for aggregate mining operations that discharge wastewater to the ground; discharge to
surface waters is not allowed. The primary purpose of a WPCF permit is to prevent discharge to surface waters and to
protect groundwater from contamination. If your operation discharges process water, you need an Individual NPDES or
WPCF permit administered by DEQ.
General NPDES 1200-A
A NPDES 1200-A permit is required for all aggregate mining operations that discharge stormwater to waters of state
either directly or though a stormwater drainage. If your mining operation discharges process water, you need an
Individual NPDES or WPCF permit administered by DEQ.
Frequently Asked Questions (DEQ site)