DOC understands some people are having difficulty with the phone validation process to receive calls from adults in custody. A new customer service number has been set up for phone validation issues. Friends and family can call 503-945-0945 and leave a voicemail. Someone will get back to you and help you through the process.
If you are having an issue with T-Mobile, you can call T-Mobile customer service at 1-800-937-8997. or visit the workaround guide for more information.
El DOC entiende que algunas personas tienen dificultades con el proceso de validación telefónica para recibir llamadas de los adultos en custodia. Se ha instaurado un nuevo número de atención al cliente para resolver problemas relacionados con la validación telefónica. Familiares y amigos pueden llamar al 503-945-0945 y dejar un mensaje de voz. Alguien les responderá el mensaje y ayudará a lo largo del proceso.
Si alguien tiene problemas con T-Mobile, se puede comunicar con el servicio de atención a clientes de T- Mobile al 1-800-937-8997, o visitar o visitar para obtener más información.
If you are experiencing an emergency, you can use the below list of phone numbers to contact a facility.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Phone Number Validation - Update Required
Beginning October 17, 2022, the Oregon Department of Corrections (DOC) enters a “test period" for phone number validation through the ICSolutions phone system. For the next seven days, everyone calling into Oregon's prisons will be required to validate their phone number – if they have not already done so.
On October 24, 2022, the validation requirement will be paused until December 27, 2022. This will give people time to consider the requirement and validate their phone number. After December 27, the validation will be permanent process and a requirement for all.
FACT: Phone validation has been part of the DOC's adult in custody (AIC) communications process since 2012. During the pandemic, DOC suspended the registration requirements due to facility restrictions and it is now time to reinstitute the phone validation process.
DOC worked with ICSolutions (current vendor) to ensure all persons called by an AIC since July of 2019, receive a phone call instructing them on the validation process. In addition, ICSolutions has multiple methods of verification to assist those who may have difficulties.
Click this link to to complete the phone number validation. PLEASE COMPLETE THIS PROCESS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
If you have issues validating your number or need any assistance with your ICSolutions account, contact customer support at 1-888-506-8407. The international customer service number for validating your phone number is 210-501-0115.
Please note: DOC staff are NOT able to assist with creating an account or validating phone numbers.
Tablet Transition Alert -
ICSolutions will be transitioning to a new Tablet Provider starting on November 7, 2022, through November 22, 2022. Phone and Video call services will not be changing. During the transition ICSolutions will be making every effort to limit interruptions to phone and video calling. We appreciate your patience as we upgrade the system.
To ease this transition, AIC Communications Account deposits from Friends and Family via Access Corrections will be
temporarily paused during this transition, resuming on November 22, 2022.
There are a few things to know when receiving a phone call from an AIC:
- Your phone number must be “validated” to receive phone calls and video visits.
- You can validate your phone number by setting up a free ICSolutions account through the ICS Corrections, Inc. website and follow the validation instructions.
- The maximum length of a call is 30 minutes.
- All phone calls are monitored and recorded and may be flagged for review for inappropriate or unauthorized content.
Another way to communicate by phone is to send an adult in custody a voicemail using funds in your pre-paid account with ICSolutions. Once your phone number is validated and a pre-paid account is funded, you can leave a voicemail message for an AIC by calling 1-877-831-0390. You will need to have the 4-digit PIN you created when you set up your online account and the AICs state ID number. Voicemails cost $0.50 per message and can be up to 60 seconds in length.
There are a few different ways to pay for AIC phone calls. Visit our page on Sending Money for information on this topic.