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Planning, Design and Construction

Clean Water State Revolving Fund loans are only offered to public entities for projects that enhance and protect water quality.

Each loan has specific requirements that must be met. Listed below are resources to assist public agencies in their efforts to plan or construct projects that improve or protect Oregon’s water quality.    


Planning loans are offered to plan a wastewater or stormwater facility, nonpoint source control or estuary management project intended to remediate an existing or anticipated water pollution problem. This type of loan can be used toward the costs of monitoring, data collection, evaluation, analysis, security evaluations, report preparation, environmental review, public education, review process, and any other activity leading to a written plan for the project.

It does not include the preparation of detailed bid documents for construction.

Stormwater management

Environmental review and federal cross cutters

Listed below are the various documents that provide guidance and regulations regarding DEQ's environmental review requirements for CWSRF funded projects.
Applicants applying to the program for funding need to work with the program's Regional Project Officers to determine which environmental review track is appropriate for their project and which documents and requirements need to be completed for the applicant's proposed project.

Design and construction

Design and construction loans are primarily used for the erection, installation, expansion or improvement of a wastewater or stormwater facility, nonpoint source control activity or estuary management project, including the demolition of an obsolete facility. This type of loan can be used for preparation of engineering drawings and specifications for the proposed construction, and may include pre-design activities. For Construction Management General Contractor projects, please consult with project offer for required document.


Recipients of Clean Water State Revolving Fund loans, as well as their consultants and contractors, will need to provide a wide range of information for the application process. The forms and resource documents on this webpage will assist in organizing the required information. 

​​​​​​​​​For Construction Management General Contractor projects, please consult with a project officer for the required documents.

Loan signing documents

Required bid documents

For contractors

Federal requirements for projects and materials

State requirements

Resource Documents

Resource Documents