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Equity Advisory Committee

DEQ is searching for individuals to join the Equity Advisory Committee! The Equity Advisory Committee is a key partner for the Climate Protection Program's Community Climate Investments Program. To apply, complete the statement of interest form by April 4, 2025:

Information session

DEQ held an info session on March 11, 2025, for individuals and organizations interested in learning about the Climate Protection Program and the committee, including how to apply.
The committee plays an important role in determining what types of emission reduction projects are supported by community climate investments and where the projects are located. The committee provides feedback on the selection of third-party entities and their work plans ahead of DEQ approval. 

DEQ will prioritize building a committee with representatives from multiple regions with lived experience, involvement, or expertise in the following areas:
  • Environmental or economic justice 
  • Climate change impacts and experience 
  • Air pollution and/or health and community impacts 
  • Clean, renewable energy, or energy efficiency 
  • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution from fossil fuels 
  • Transportation decarbonization 
  • Residential and commercial building decarbonization 
  • Industrial decarbonization 
  • Community engagement, advocacy, or outreach 
  • DEQ will appoint at least one committee member that represents a federally recognized tribe or tribal interests. 
Committee members will be committed to: 
  • Addressing climate change and its impacts 
  • Improving access to cleaner, renewable fuels in Oregon 
  • Reducing pollution and improving health for all communities 
  • Uplifting traditionally underrepresented communities 


For more information email Climate Protection Program