Dental License Renewal Open
Below is the link to renew your dental license with a March 31, 2025 expiration date. Please look at a physical copy of your license or look at your expiration date in the licensing portal before calling or emailing to verify.
If you should encounter any issues during the renewal process, please review below for detailed instructions and troubleshooting.
Contact Board Staff at if you are unable to resolve the issue.
Online Renewal Process
If you do not remember your password to log into your licensing portal, click the "forgot password" button. A temporary password will be sent to your email on file. You will enter this temporary password into the requested field AND into the "old password" box before creating a new one. Once you successfully log into your portal, you can start your renewal by clicking the blue "renew" button on the righthand side of the page. During the renewal process you will be required to upload a profile picture and your Healthcare Provider BLS, and any collaborative agreements if applicable. The renewal process should take no more than 15 minutes to complete. Please note, if for some reason you need to stop mid-way in renewing your license you can log back into the system and start from where you left off.
Important information when renewing your license
- Licensees are personally responsible for their license renewal.
- This means no one other than the licensee should be answering the renewal questions.
- There are no exceptions for the online process. If you do not have access to a computer, you can visit a local library, a family member or friend, or if in the Portland-Metro area, you can visit the Board office.
- You can complete your renewal prior to completing all of your continuing education (CE) for the current renewal cycle! However, it is your responsibility to ensure that you complete all required CE prior to the deadline. Please contact Board staff at if extenuating circumstances will prevent you from completing all of your required CE prior to the deadline.
Payment Options
- Pay online with a US issued Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, or electronic check at time of renewal
- Active duty military fees are waived - see information below
Active Duty Military
Oregon Dental & Dental Hygiene licensure fees are waived for licensees who are active duty military. For those individuals seeking waiver of fees, you must select the 'Active Duty Military' option after completing the online renewal when asked how you would like to pay. In lieu of payment, you must send in documentation from your commanding officer of your active duty military status. Please confirm with your commanding officer that you are allowed to take the waiver, as the military has changed their policy.
Options if you do not wish to renew your license
If you do not wish to renew your license, and are no longer practicing in any jurisdiction i.e., another state or country, please email us your information, so we can send you a retirement form. Please make sure in your email that you let us know that you are no longer practicing.
Following is the email address to request a retirement form:
If you do not wish to renew your license and you are practicing in another jurisdiction .i.e., another state or country, please email us your information, so we can document in your record that you are not planning on renewing.
Following is the email address to let the OBD know you are not renewing your license:
You cannot work with an expired license in the State of Oregon
If you license expires, even if your paperwork has been mailed or you've just completed the renewal online, until you see your license has been renewed, either on our website or by calling our office, you may not practice.