Making a public records request
Use the form below to request records that are in the custody of the Oregon Department of Consumer and Business Services and its divisions. We may request clarification before responding to the request.
If you are making a request for the
Workers' Compensation Division please use
this form.
For more information or help with a records request, contact DCBS Communications Director Mark Peterson at or 971-283-5405.
Calculation of fees
The department has established fees reasonably calculated to reimburse it for the actual cost of making the public records available. If the cost estimate is more than $25, the department will send the requestor a written cost estimate before proceeding with the request. If the cost estimate is more than $250, the department will work with the requestor to refine the scope of their request or otherwise reduce out-of-pocket costs.
The following is a list of charges that are standard throughout the department:
Staff time
The department waives fees for a minimum of 30 minutes of staff time required to locate, produce, redact, or otherwise provide records. The hourly rate charged for additional staff time is based on the level of skill or expertise required to complete the work performed.
Clerical: $25 per hour (administrative, office specialists, other support staff)
Managerial: $40 per hour (program managers, public information officers)
Professional: $75 per hour (information technology, human resources, high-level analyst)
DOJ, special attorney and other applicable legal fees: Hourly rate charged for public records request services
Production of responsive records
Copies: Based on current State of Oregon printing and distribution price list
Copies of existing mailing lists with labels: $5 per 100 names, with no additional charge for staff time
Media (CD, DVD, flash drive): Based on statewide price agreement with Office Max
Certified document: $10 (includes staff time)
Postage: Based on current postage rates
More information about fees is available in the statewide policy on Public Records Requests, Fees, and Charges,
Waiving fees
The department will evaluate requests to reduce or waive fees on a case-by-case basis. The department will take into consideration the cost of producing the information and whether making the records available primarily benefits the public. All requests for a public interest fee waiver or reduction will be evaluated using information provided by the requestor as well as information independently available to the department.
A person who believes that there has been an unreasonable denial of a fee waiver or fee reduction may petition the Attorney General or the district attorney in the same manner as a person petitions when inspection of a public record is denied under
ORS 192.311 to 192.478.