Download high-resolution versions of the Department of Consumer and Business Services (DCBS) logo and other assets.
Brand guidelines
When using the DCBS logo, follow these principles:
- Use the DCBS logo at a size that is clearly legible at the image resolution provided
- When enlarging or reducing the logo, do not stretch or compress the logo from its original proportions
- Always keep at least 1/4 inch of empty space around the logo
- The minimum logo size is no smaller than 20 mm in height for printed materials and 60 px in height on screen
- Maintain the correct relative scale whenever multiple logos are shown
- The logo cannot be rotated
- The logo colors are not to be changed
CMYK: 100,96,37,38
Hex: #111c4e
RGB: 17,28,78
PMS: 2766C
CMYK: 100,35,14,1
Hex: #0081bc
RGB: 0,129,188
PMS: 640C
CMYK: 0,0,0,30
Hex: #939598
RGB: 147,149,152
CMYK: 0,0,0,100
Hex: #231f20
RGB: 35,31,32