What is an independent medical examination?
It is an examination by a physician, other than the worker’s attending physician, at the request of the insurer.
Why did the insurer schedule the independent medical examination?
Generally, an insurer will schedule an IME to obtain an independent medical opinion to address a number of issues, including what caused your injury, treatment options, work restrictions, and medically stationary status.
Will the insurer notify me when an IME is scheduled?
Yes. The insurer will provide you written notice at least 10 days before the examination. The notice must advise you of the date, time, and place of the examination, along with the name of the medical provider or facility and the purpose of the examination.
Will the insurer reimburse me for my lost wages to attend the IME?
Yes. The insurer must reimburse you for net lost wages for the time you were required to miss work to attend the examination if time-loss benefits are not otherwise due.
When attending an IME, what other out-of-pocket expenses are reimbursable?
The insurer must reimburse you for the reasonable cost of public transportation or mileage when using a private vehicle. Also, when necessary, the reasonable cost of child care, meals, lodging, and other related services.
You must submit a written request for reimbursement, with supporting documentation, for net lost wages or other out-of-pocket expenses.
Am I required to attend the IME?
Yes. You must attend the independent medical examination if one is scheduled. Failure to attend the IME may result in a penalty and suspension or loss of your benefits.
What if I can’t attend or have a scheduling conflict?
Immediately contact your claims examiner if you are not able to attend or have a conflict. If you have questions about your rights or responsibilities, contact our office.
Contact us
800-927-1271 (toll-free)
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