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Modernizing Grant Funding and Contracting Task Force

Senate Bill 606 (2023) established the Modernizing Grant Funding and Contracting Task Force to examine how the state’s granting and public procurement practices limit the wages of nonprofit organizations. The type of input requested of task force members includes, but is not limited to:

  • Recommendations to an interim committee of the Legislative Assembly with a copy to the Department of Administrative Services (DAS) on the following:
    • Changes to state procurement practices that will support living wages for employees of nonprofit organizations,
    • Uniform application procedures for grant moneys,
    • Standard contracting language that permits flexibility in contract terms and conditions and multiyear contract terms,
    • Sufficient reporting requirements that are commensurate with funding levels and allow for adequate lead time for changes to reporting required within the term of a contract,
    • Payment models that prioritize full cost recovery,
    • A mechanism for ongoing review and evaluation of grantmaking and procurement processes.

Task Force Guiding Documents

Public Comments

Public comments are limited to two minutes during public meetings. Sign up to make a verbal comment via the meeting registration link. Written public comments are accepted up until 24 hrs in advance of the scheduled task force meeting. Click here to submit a written comment.

Task Force Members

Legislative Members
Senator Wlnsvey Campos
Representative Charlie Conrad

Non-Legislative Members
Andre Bealer
Debbie Dennis
Mercedes Elizalde
Heather Ficht
Jonathan Groux
Tamara Henderson
Katrina Holland
Dahnesh Medora
Felicita Monteblanco
Bettina Schempf
Marianne Schlies
Lea Sevey
Helen Wong

Staff Support
Laura Al Omrani, Phillip Andrews, Derek Dizney, Dolly England, Melissa Hanks, Caitlin Hudson, Deb Lange, Michelle Lovejoy, Lori Nordlien, Tim Mahern-Macias, Alaina Mayfield, Stephen Nelson, Steve Phillips, Jennifer Purcell, Kirk Rhoades, Seiji Shiratori, Stephanie Stephens, Kai Turner, Kimie Ueoka, Amy Velez, Teresa Waite

Meeting Information

For more information, contact the Task Force Board Administrator.