R⋆STARS Training Manual



 [A]  [B]  [C]  [D]  [E]  [F]  [G]  [H]  [I]  [J]  [K]  [L]  [M]  [N]  [O]  [P]  [Q]  [R]  [S]  [T]  [U]  [V]  [W]  [X]  [Y]  [Z] 


Profiles and Screens



Accounts Receivable  [Ch #9]

Active Records  [Ch #12]

Agency Budget Indicators  [Ch #3]

Agency Budgets  [Ch #3]

Agency Budgets, Inquiry  [Ch #14]

Agency Code 3, Deposit Recon  [Ch #9]

Agency Object  [Ch #5]

Agency Object, On-line Help  [Ch #7]

Agency Vendor  [Ch #9]

Allotments  [Ch #3]

Appropriation Control Types  [Ch #3]

Appropriation Level Posting Ind  [Ch #3]

Appropriation, Inquiry  [Ch #14]

Appropriation, Structure  [Ch #2]

Appropriations  [Ch #3]



Balance Types  [Ch #12]

Balanced Transactions  [Ch #6]

Balancing Edits  [Ch #8]

Batch Agency  [Ch #5]

Batch Amount  [Ch #5]

Batch Correction  [Ch #8]

Batch Count  [Ch #5]

Batch Dates  [Ch #5]

Batch Does Not Balance  [Ch #8]

Batch Edit Mode, Error Correction  [Ch #8]

Batch Edit Mode, Overview  [Ch #5]

Batch Header, Correcting  [Ch #8]

Batch Header, Deleting  [Ch #8]

Batch Key  [Ch #5]

Batch Recall  [Ch #8]

Batch Transaction, Correction  [Ch #8]

Batch Transaction, Deleting  [Ch #8]

Batch Types, T-Codes  [Ch #4]

Batch, Putting on Hold  [Ch #8]

Billed A/R  [Ch #9]



Cash Receipts  [Ch #9]

Changing Document Numbers  [Ch #5]

Comptroller Object  [Ch #5]

Comptroller Object, On-line Help  [Ch #7]

Current Document Number  [Ch #5]



DAFQ18CO  [Ch #4]

DAFR2151  [Ch #8]

Data Element Edits  [Ch #8]

Data Element Help  [Ch #7]

Delinquent Accounts  [Ch #9]

Deposit Liability  [Ch #9]

Deposit Reconciliation  [Ch #9]

Disbursements  [Ch #10]

Distribution Method Ind, Expend  [Ch #10]

Distribution Method Ind, Overview  [Ch #5]

Document Agency  [Ch #5]

Document Amount  [Ch #5]

Document Increment  [Ch #5]

Document Inquiry  [Ch #13]

Document Record Inquiry  [Ch #13]

Document Transaction Inquiry  [Ch #13]

Document Tracking Inquiry  [Ch #13]

Document Numbers  [Ch #5]

Document Types  [Ch #5]

Document Types, Expend  [Ch #10]

Document Types, T-Codes  [Ch #4]

Drill Down  [Ch #12]



Effective Date  [Ch #5]

Encumbrances  [Ch #10]

Encumbrances, Liquidating  [Ch #10]

Entering a Balanced Transaction  [Ch #6]

Entering a Batch  [Ch #5]

Entering a Reversed Transaction  [Ch #6]

Entering Accounts Receivable  [Ch #9]

Entering Agency Budgets  [Ch #3]

Entering Appropriations  [Ch #3]

Entering Cash Receipts  [Ch #9]

Entering Expenditures  [Ch #10]

Entering Grant and Proj Budgets  [Ch #3]

Entering Journal Vouchers  [Ch #11]

Error Code Help  [Ch #7]

Error Correction  [Ch #8]

Expenditure Transfers  [Ch #10]



Fast Entry Screens  [Ch #5]

File Posting Indicators  [Ch #4]

Financial (Fund) Edits  [Ch #8]

Financial Agency  [Ch #5]

Financial Plans  [Ch #3]

Financial Tables  [Ch #12]

Finding a Reference Document  [Ch #7]

Finding a Vendor  [Ch #7]

Fund Level Indicator, Approp  [Ch #3]

Fund Structure  [Ch #2]



General Ledger Inquiry, Detail  [Ch #14]

General Ledger Inquiry, Summary  [Ch #14]

General Ledger Posting Indicators  [Ch #4]

General Ledger Structure  [Ch #2]

Generated Recurring Transaction  [Ch #6]

Generic Transaction Codes  [Ch #11]

Grant Structure  [Ch #2]

Grant Structure, Budget  [Ch #3]

Grant Financial Inquiry  [Ch #14]

Grant Transaction Inquiry  [Ch #13]



Inactive Records  [Ch #12]

Index, Coding Block  [Ch #5]

Index, Coding Reduction  [Ch #2]

Index, On-line Help  [Ch #7]

Inquiry Types  [Ch #12]

Inquiry, A/R  [Ch #9]

Inquiry, Appropriation - Coding  [Ch #14]

Inquiry, Appropriation - Overview  [Ch #3]

Inquiry, Agency Budget - Coding  [Ch #14]

Inquiry, Agency Budget - Overview  [Ch #3]

Inquiry, Deposit Recon  [Ch #9]

Inquiry, Expend  [Ch #10]

Inquiry, Revenue  [Ch #9]

Interagency Transfers  [Ch #6]

Interrupt  [Ch #1]

Invoices and Statements  [Ch #9]

Intra-Agency Transactions  [Ch #6]



Journal Entries  [Ch #11]



Linking  [Ch #1]

Liquidating Pre-Enc and Enc  [Ch #10]

Logging off  [Ch #1]

Logging on  [Ch #1]



Modifier, Expend  [Ch #10]



Navigating  [Ch #1]

News Screen  [Ch #7]



Object Structure  [Ch #2]

Organization Structure, Appropriation  [Ch #3]

Organization Structure, Budget  [Ch #3]

Organization Structure, Overview  [Ch #2]



Payables  [Ch #10]

Payment Distribution Type, Overview  [Ch #5]

Payment Distribution Type Ind  [Ch #10]

Payment Distribution Type Profile  [Ch #10]

PCA, Coding Block  [Ch #5]

PCA, Coding Reduction  [Ch #2]

PCA, Deposit Recon  [Ch #9]

PCA, On-line Help  [Ch #7]

Placemat  [Ch #2]

Pre-Encumbrances  [Ch #10]

Pre-Encumbrances, Liquidating  [Ch #10]

Program Structure, Overview  [Ch #2]

Project Structure  [Ch #2]

Project Financial Inquiry  [Ch #14]

Project Transaction Inquiry  [Ch #13]



R⋆STARS Screens  [Ch #1]

R⋆STARS Structure  [Ch #2]

Recalling a Batch  [Ch #8]

Recurring Transactions  [Ch #6]

Reference Document, Finding  [Ch #7]

Reference Document, Overview  [Ch #5]

Refund of an Expenditure  [Ch #9]

Reports, A/R  [Ch #9]

Reports, Appropriations   Ch #3]

Reports, Budget  [Ch #3]

Reports, Deposit Recon  [Ch #9]

Reports, Expend  [Ch #10]

Reports, Revenue  [Ch #9]

Revenue Transfers  [Ch #9]

Reverse Transactions  [Ch #6]

Reversed Transactions, JV’s  [Ch #11]

RTI On-line Retrieval  [Ch #6]



Screen Layout  [Ch #1]

Special Indicators  [Ch #4]

System Overview  [Ch #1]



Transaction Codes, A/R  [Ch #9]

Transaction Codes, Appropriation  [Ch #3]

Transaction Codes, Balanced  [Ch #6]

Transaction Codes, Batch Entry  [Ch #5]

Transaction Codes, Budget  [Ch #3]

Transaction Codes, Cash Receipts  [Ch #9]

Transaction Codes, Expend  [Ch #10]

Transaction Codes, Generic  [Ch #11]

Transaction Codes, GL  [Ch #2]

Transaction Codes, Inquiry  [Ch #12]

Transaction Codes, List  [Ch #4]

Transaction Codes, Overview  [Ch #4]

Transaction Edit Indicators  [Ch #4]/

Transaction Entry, Overview  [Ch #5]

Transaction Identification  [Ch #5]

Transaction Split  [Ch #6]

Transactions, Intra-Agency  [Ch #6]

Transfers, Expenditure  [Ch #10]

Transfers, Interagency  [Ch #6]

Transfers, Journal Vouchers  [Ch #11]

Transfers, Revenue  [Ch #9]

Treasury Account Number  [Ch #9]



Vendors, Agency  [Ch #9]

Vendors, Document Inquiry  [Ch #13]

Vendors, Finding  [Ch #7]

Vendors, Mail Code  [Ch #10]

Vendors, Systemwide  [Ch #10]

Vendors, Transaction Inquiry  [Ch #13]



Warrants  [Ch #10]

Warrants, Cancel  [Ch #10]

Warrants, Status  [Ch #10]


Profiles and Screens

12 Manual Deposit Release  [Ch #9]

13 Deposit Research  [Ch #9]

20 Appropriation No Profile, Approp  [Ch #3]

20 Appropriation No Profile, Budget  [Ch #3]

20 Appropriation No Profile, Expend  [Ch #10]

25 Agency Control Profile, A/R  [Ch #9]

25 Agency Control Profile, Budget  [Ch #3]

25 Agency Control Profile, Expend  [Ch #10]

26 Program Cost Account Profile  [Ch #9]

28A Trans Code Profile, Liquidation  [Ch #10]

28A Trans Code Profile, Expend  [Ch #10]

28A Trans Code Profile, Overview  [Ch #4]

28B Trans Code Profile, Overview  [Ch #4]

34 Agency Vendor Profile  [Ch #9]

37 Document Tracking  [Ch #13]

3A Vendor Alpha Inquiry  [Ch #7]

3N Vendor Number Inquiry  [Ch #7]

41 Disbursement Maintenance  [Ch #10]

44 Single Payment Cancellation  [Ch #10]

47 Payment Control Table  [Ch #10]

500 Batch Header Entry  [Ch #5]

51 Vendor Mail Code Profile  [Ch #10]

52 Systemwide Vendor Profile  [Ch #10]

53 Agency Document Control  [Ch #9]

530 View Batch Headers  [Ch #8]

54 Agency Rec Doc Exempt  [Ch #9]

54A Batch Header Correction  [Ch #8]

54B Detail Correction  [Ch #8]

550 Recurring Trans Profile, On-line  [Ch #6]

550 Recurring Trans Profile, Over  [Ch #6]

550 Recurring Trans Profile, Split  [Ch #6]

56 Project Transaction Inquiry  [Ch #13]

57 Cash Control Summary  [Ch #14]

59 Vendor Document Inquiry  [Ch #13]

61 Agency Budget Financial  [Ch #14]

62 Appropriation Financial Inquiry  [Ch #14]

63 Cash Control Record  [Ch #14]

64 Document Record  [Ch #13]

65 General Ledger Record  [Ch #14]

66 Grant Financial Inquiry  [Ch #14]

67 Grant Transaction  [Ch #13]

68 Contract Record  [Ch #13]

69 Agency/Fund Record Inquiry  [Ch #14]

77 Index Selection Screen  [Ch #7]

78 Program Cost Account Select  [Ch #7]

79 Comptroller Object Selection  [Ch #7]

80 Project Record Inquiry  [Ch #14]

81 Agency Object Selection  [Ch #7]

84 Accounting Event Record  [Ch #13]

85 Vendor Transaction  [Ch #13]

86 Document Transaction  [Ch #13]

89 Summary General Ledger  [Ch #14]

91 Report Request Profile, A/R  [Ch #9]

93 Recurring Transaction Request  [Ch #6]

94 Agency Message Profile  [Ch #9]

95 Report Distribution Profile, A/R  [Ch #9]

96A Security Profile  [Ch #5]

96B Security Profile  [Ch #5]

97 System Management Profile  [Ch #10]

D23 Fund Profile, Appropriation  [Ch #3]

D23 Fund Profile, Budget  [Ch #3]

D23 Fund Profile, Deposit Recon  [Ch #9]

D36 Agency Code 3  [Ch #9]

D42 Project Number Profile  [Ch #3]

D47 Grant Number Profile  [Ch #3]

D50 Payment Distribution Type  [Ch #10]

D53 Titles Profile, Treasury  [Ch #9]

D66 User Class Profile  [Ch #5]